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Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy


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Hey folks! Just made a new video for you all to see and share with your friends!


In today's troubled times, it's hard for a woman to find a good man. Our Gal in this story has finally found her chivalrous counterpart. He's the kind of guy raised on a Good Old-Fashioned view on love.



I wrote, directed, starred, and sang in this. Let me know what you guys think. I'd really love to hear from Queen fans especially.


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Since I am a hardcore Queen fan. Being Queen comes in second from Roller Coasters. All I can say is superb video.

Even though Freddie is one of a kind. You did a good job singing. And those three others also did a good job.


This song is one of my favorite love songs, and I'm glad you made an awesome video from it.



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Thanks for your kind words, guys! Just keep in mind I know that NO ONE can ever match the awesomeness that is Freddie. I'm not even trying to. I'm just trying to tell a story that was inspired by his great song.


And it is a great love song. My video is about love. A poorly misguided and desperate forced love. Still love.



Be sure to tell all your friends!



Shameless to the end.

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