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PTR: Brent's TR's - 2009 TPR Scandinavia Tour


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Scandi Trip Part 1


Australia is a great country to live. Though unfortunately when you want to go any other country worth going to. You are forced to suck moistureless air for dozens of hours in an aluminium tube doing 1000 km/h at 38,000 feet.


So after 9 hrs 20 min to Bangkok, 13 hours to London and 2 hours to Copenhagen it was time to start the Randi for Scandi tour with TPR.


The locals were rather exciteable on arrival day which I later found out had something to do with soccer. A game which the barabarian hordes of Europe and Britian took up attending matches, after it became illegal to act barabarically just for the hell of it.


Copenhagen we found was a place that was pretty hard to feel homesick in. The city is owned and operated 7Eleven (open 24 hours), Burger King and McDonald's.


Bon-Bon Land was the first park on the trip, and to say it was unique would be an understatement. The park is basically dedicated to bodily emissions. All the 100's of characters in the park either looked stoned, or looked like they were having sex or looked like they were getting a prostate examination from Adre the Giant.


The place is charming and unique, and the park was wonderful to us and made it a great day. ERT for over an hour on 3 coasters was a great way to start.


To be continued....


Next up for ERT it was a coaster called Wild Boar. This was the first Eurofighter and it was definitely more wild than bore.


Next up it was coaster simply translated to English as Man Cat. Danish scientists have been tinkering with the genetic code, soon the Carolina Panthers will actually be the Carolina Manthers.


The responses to seeing a giant dog's anus were varied, some looked surprised, others looked excited.


Though the theming seemed incongruous, it looked more like the Dog S*** coaster. Maybe the dog was scared of the scary looking rat over on the dome.


First coaster of the day - Dog Fart coaster, they seriously call that.


The next morning started out well, beer on tap in the tour bus.


This place has more twilight than the collective bookshelves of 15 year old girls.


There is no Saturday night in Copenhagen - 10.06pm.


I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!


The Danish all look alike.


A Danish Portaloo urinal, they are a happy go lucky country. Though I did notice they aren't shy about public urination.


City Ordinance states that no two buildings are allowed to be the same colour. Can you imagine if you had to do that in America.


We left Jorcks Passage unexplored, though I'm not sure about other members of the TPR tour.


There was 7Eleven on every corner. If the city blocks were octagonal there would have been 8 7Elevens per block.


I love historical European towns untainted by commercialism.


This appeared to be the town square, which was later invaded by thousnads of Danish soccer supporters. There was no need to ask how Denmark were going, you would just hear a roar, followed by a wave of launched projectiles whenever anything positive happened for the local team.


Hot fuzz high tails it to Cowboy land. Too much Bon Jovi I think - "I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride".


The ride of racial stereotyping, basically all the races presented on this ride all look like rats including Australians. I have videod this ride and I will be making a complaint to the UN.


This ride managed to make every country of the world look like it was a part of Bon-bon land. If I was a Danish kid on a school excursion, I'd be very confused.


They were too lazy to fill the water dummies so TPR tourists had to suffice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Brent, so far so good! Missing the trip and slowly coming across everyone's TRs. I haven't even started organizing for one yet.


Had to bump up Bon Bon and Copenhagen for sure, they were truly a cool way to start the trip.


^Jason, it was amazing, speaking as someone who was somewhat reluctant about it.

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