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I was bored one day so I decided to build a park in Roller Coaster Tycoon. I haven't played it in about half a year. When I play it I am not totally paranoid about making things look as realistic as possible, but I do try to make things look at least look some what nice. I am not going to attempt to make a whole storyline to the park, but I will post updates every now and then, and if I finish the park I will post a download at the end.

Hope you enjoy.


Here is the foodcourt, bathrooms, Sky Tower, and Sky lift.


Revolution is the parks Enterprize


Here is the bridge that can take you to the far part of the park.


Here is the view of front part of the park and some of the back part.


Finally you go into the helix of death then into the breaks.


The turn around is very intense with laterals.


It crosses over the river on to the island part of the park.


The first drop is followed by a small hill with plenty of airtime.


It has a large first drop.


Staton Hurricane layout.


The main attraction in the park is Stanton Hurricane which is the largest ride in the park.


Half way through the ride you enter a cave with a suprise drop!


Here is the splashdown area for the logs. You can see you can get wet standing in the queue.


One of the main attractions in the park is the Log Chute. (I don't care much for the station)


Off the midway you can find Sizzler, the Skylift, and the Bumper Cars.


The Grand Carousel is complete with a water fountain and mini waterfall.


This is the Main Street (not done) complete with a Carausel and Crasy Cups.


Here is the entrance to the park. Its not to over the top because this is a kind of small park.

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-Nice look here. Small, fairly simple park. I like it.

-Staton Hurricane looks like much fun.

-I like what you did to spruce up the Carousel!



-Staton Hurricane's que is WAAY too big! I understand it's supposed to be the most popular ride, but I think the que could use a shortening.

-Why is part of Staton Hurricane's station... wall-less? I hope you fix this.

-The Log Flume could use some scenery; trees, maybe a pond, flowers, bushes, I dunno. It just looks bland.


My Overall Suggestions:

-Make Staton Hurricane's que smaller.

-Add wall to Staton Hurricane's station.

-Add scenery to the Log Flume.

-Make the back of the park's rides pay-per-ride, unless that's how the whole park is.



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Thanks for all the comments about my park.


-Staton Hurricane's que is WAAY too big! I understand it's supposed to be the most popular ride, but I think the que could use a shortening.

I did notice that after I made it but didn't feel like changing it right then, but I will soon.


Why is part of Staton Hurricane's station... wall-less? I hope you fix this

If you look carefully there is a brown wooden fence along the front, it might be kind of hard to see though.


-The Log Flume could use some scenery; trees, maybe a pond, flowers, bushes, I dunno. It just looks bland.

I am going to add more scenery, but I had just built it when I took the pictures so I hadn't added all the scenery yet.


One thing I don't like though is the straight piece of track before the helix of death.

Its straight for a reason if you look in the picture of the airtime hill after the first drop you can see that the straight peace of track is actually part of a small double down drop.


Thanks for everyones comments. I will try to post an update sometime tomorrow.

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One thing I don't like though is the straight piece of track before the helix of death.

Its straight for a reason if you look in the picture of the airtime hill after the first drop you can see that the straight peace of track is actually part of a small double down drop.


I wouldn't call that a small double drop! It's pretty big

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