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Ride inspections BGA / Universal

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Busch Gardens, Currently the skyride is closed for maintainance and Gwazi is running one side.. All the water rides were operating including the river raft ride in the Congo area as it had been closed for a while, forget the name. Usually Montu does winter rehab for about 2 weeks in January but it varies from year to year. However this year down time may not be long since last season they repainted. One Mountu train is in the shop getting a complete rebuild which is normal. January is kind of hit of miss I would say all the big coasters will be operating but its possible one may be down.

Just watch here or on Screamscape as somebody usually will post something about ride closures at BGA

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thanks you two!

Yeah I remember that at the end of January 06 all coaster were open at IOA, but I think Montu was closed.

We would have to hit up IOA/BGA between 12/28/07 and 01/14/08. I guess we'll just give it a shot.


Take care

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I would say hit Busch before the 14th, I would think all the rides will be operating during the week of the 7 - 11 because that week still alot of people in town from the new year and bowl game stuff. Montu usually is down toward the last part of January as the park is dead. Also hit the park on a week day if you have the chose, you will have a much better time shorter lines = more rides. The parks will be very busy from 12-28 to about 1-3 becuase of all the extra people in town and shool scheduls.

I was at the park today and it was nice one train waits however next 2 weeks the parks are very busy.

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We're hoping to head down to Florida later in the month/early in Feb, it sure would be nice if Busch Gardens would get their website up to date for the new year as far as ride closures so we won't be as disappointed when we show up to discover some sweet coaster is closed. As difficult as the website may be to navigate these days, their sister park, Sea World, at least informs us of when stuff is closed, unlike Busch, which still shows the closures for 2007. Emails to the park pretty much tell us to "keep checking the website". Good to know, assuming I have a time machine and used it to go back to late January 2007, where I would have discovered Montu to be closed.

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We're hoping to head down to Florida later in the month/early in Feb, it sure would be nice if Busch Gardens would get their website up to date for the new year as far as ride closures so we won't be as disappointed when we show up to discover some sweet coaster is closed. As difficult as the website may be to navigate these days, their sister park, Sea World, at least informs us of when stuff is closed, unlike Busch, which still shows the closures for 2007. Emails to the park pretty much tell us to "keep checking the website". Good to know, assuming I have a time machine and used it to go back to late January 2007, where I would have discovered Montu to be closed.


I was just there this past Saturday and all the rides were operating.

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