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Flickr Accounts?

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Dude, I don't mean to come off as a pseudo-ASSisstant, but you might want to seriously edit this. This is another example of what Wes has been preaching against lately with vague topics. I had no idea what flickr was until I clicked your link. There was no real description of it. I almost feel like this would be better suited as a collective online photos page thread, but then again, there's a place for that in your profile. Again, not trying to play ASSistant here. Just my suggestions.

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Dude, I don't mean to come off as a pseudo-ASSisstant, but you might want to seriously edit this. This is another example of what Wes has been preaching against lately with vague topics. I had no idea what flickr was until I clicked your link. There was no real description of it. I almost feel like this would be better suited as a collective online photos page thread, but then again, there's a place for that in your profile. Again, not trying to play ASSistant here. Just my suggestions.


Scott is spot on.

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