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Photo TR: Chuck & Larry Ride Pennsylvania Style


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Fantastic PTR Chuck! Any report that references both Baron Von Raschke and an anal probing Smokey the Bear is OK in my book! If we wouldn't have been out of town, we would have loved to have met up with you guys.

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Great DW photos! I missed a few rides that you two went on. Of course, I was only doing a credit run and did the twilight ticket thing.


But you didn't ride the Lady Gay? WTF?


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Does Hershey still have their Chaos? I remember there was on right by Wildcat and Wild Mouse...


They took that out a couple years ago, which makes me wonder, did they get rid of it or is it in storage?

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Great DW photos! I missed a few rides that you two went on. Of course, I was only doing a credit run and did the twilight ticket thing.


But you didn't ride the Lady Gay? WTF?



It was just pulling away from the dock as we got there, but being as you're the captain of the Lady Gay, you already know that.


And Heath and Kim, I'm sorry we missed you, too.

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  • 2 years later...
Hershey is definitely on my to-do list this summer. How "fat friendly" are the coasters there?

I guess at least one of the rides is fat friendly if they give you candy bars afterwards.

you don't need to worry, hershey park has specific seats for larger people, so enjoy your trip
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