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Joyland may fall victim to rezoning.

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There is the full story. Basically what this means is, get out here and get your credit and rides before its too late! Sadly, there arent many parks of the kind left in the states.

Maybe there is hope for the coaster, who knows. The Wild west world guy could buy it and relocate it to wild west world, but other than that, I think the park may become a libertyland.

Thanks for reading.

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I'm guessing they didn't make much money last year anyway. The main draw was the roller coaster. People were wanting to go for that, but when they heard it was closed, they delayed their plans. The opening kept getting delayed until Joyland was closed for the season so they lost a lot of revenue right there.


Anyway, I can't believe that the park was bought last year (or maybe two, either way it hasn't been long) and might be sold AGAIN! This park really is a winner. The staff was nice, the park was clean. Everything about that place was just "right". Like almost everybody else, I really wish it wouldn't fall a victim of demolition.


I agree with snuggles that it should be relocated to WWW if anything happens to it. WWW is hoping to get a woodie for 2009, but getting this earlier would really help. An AMAZING woodie like that deserves to go somewhere respectful where it's not always in danger of being scrapped. Where to put it though? I will be following this story closely for a while.

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I drove by today and saw the coaster. It looks like there is quite a bit of new wood on it too. Maybe tomorrow I can go by there and get some pictures. If they are going to be testing the coaster in preperation for saturday, i'll make sure and get video too.

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Ah man, what a great looking park. It reminds me so much of Bell's, if but a bit smaller. Yup, 1 classic airtime-filled woodie + awesome classic dark ride + classic ride assortment + clean, classic, independent feel = fun all over.


Yup, what a formula, so many parks have lost it, and so many parks that had it are gone.

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Ah man, what a great looking park. It reminds me so much of Bell's, if but a bit smaller. Yup, 1 classic airtime-filled woodie + awesome classic dark ride + classic ride assortment + clean, classic, independent feel = fun all over.


Yup, what a formula, so many parks have lost it, and so many parks that had it are gone.

Too bad about bells.... I wonder what will happen to zingo?

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