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Thorpe Park Trip Report September 28th

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Thorpe Park is the only theme park I can go to a lot. When I last went, I got a high ride count and the ques were very short. As soon as I arrived in the park I went straight to Quantum. (A magic carpet ride). Seeing as there was literally no que, I went on it three times. It's the best family ride at Thorpe Park, in my opinion. It gives very powerful negative G's. After I had finished with Quantum I went over to the ten-looping rollercoaster, Colossus. I had a front seat within ten minutes. Colossus was great fun. There's some good airtime and the ending to the ride is amazing. Four cobra rolls.

Then I decided to go on something a little less thrilling and I went to Logger's Leap, the log flume. As always, it was a great laugh. It remains one of my favourite log flumes in the UK. I then went to a cafe to get a drink.

Once I'd finished, I headed over to Stealth, the rocket coaster (basically, it's Top Thrill Dragster's little Sister) sadly, it broke down so I decided to come back later.

I headed over to Detonator, the tower ride. You are plunged down so fast that you experience no less than 5g. Also, some very powerful negative gs. I went on Detonator twice before going to Nemesis Inferno. NI is an inverted coaster which travels through and around a volcano at 48mph. The vertical loop was the best part.

This is when I decided to have lunch. I went to KFC, where I had a great view of Tidal Wave. I decided that would be my next ride of the day, once I'd made myself waterproof. Once I was on Tidal Wave, I got a good view of Stealth working again, so I "rushed" over to Stealth.

Stealth was FANTASTIC. The speed of the launch is awesome. 0-80 in 2.3 seconds.

I next went to the strangest ride in the park, X:/NO WAY OUT, the world's only backwards coaster in the dark. The queline used to be pitch black with spinning tunnels and dummies but it's sadly changed. This ride is hated by many. But I really love it and I don't know anyone else who does. When you get off the ride and leave the building, it's like waking from a dream.

Next, I hit two flat rides in 10 minutes, Rush (the giant swing) and Slammer (a sky-swat). When you go towards the sky on Rush, you come right out of your seats and onto your lapbar. Amazing. Slammer was fun too. There's a lot of g'forces on Slammer, but it does hurt your shoulders a little bit.

I then ran over to Depth Charge. This is basically a waterslide where you sit in a dingy and slide down. It's more fun to ride it when you're racing somebody, but the airtime is pretty good.

The last ride of the day was Ribena Rumba Rapids which was wet and fun as you travel down the not-so-rough river and into Ribena caves and down mini-waterfalls (very mini).

The only rides I never got to go on were Zodiac (an enterprise) and Vortex (another flat ride).

There was also a flat ride called Samurai Which I didn't go on, but that was because I hate the ride as I get quite ill on it.

It was a really good day and I'll be going back in the new season.

















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^ Well here's one: "You are plunged down so fast that you experience no less than 5g. ". That makes is sound like you're saying you are always experiencing over 5g's. Plus a cobra roll is the double inversion on Collossus. There aren't 4 of them, you're reffering to the barrel rolls, or heartline rolls.


It's just that the TR comes off really wordy. The whole "And then, and then, and then". All you're missing is mentioning when you used the bathrooms.


Hopefully this comes off as constructive criticism.


Spaces between paragraphs would help as well.

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I didn't use a bathroom.



I didn't really know how else to word the "5g" line. I understand about the "and then" but still don't get the paragraph critisism. There are spaces between them. But other than that I guess I Sort of see what you mean.

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