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Brent's Big Bad October Weekend!

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Hey everyone!

This weekend has already gotten off to a great start. Last night I went to Knott's Halloween Haunt and had a great time at my first Haunt ever. Overall, the whole night was simply amazing. My reviews and pictures are below.



Red Moon Massacre 5/10

This was kind of a wierd way to start off the night. Only one good scare throughout the whole entire ride and it was REALLY ghetto. It was still fun though.

Feary Tales in 3-D 5/10

This maze has so much potenial, but does not have enough scareactors. There were so many good places that the monsters could hide, but none of them were there. OK maze, very bright and colorful.

The Asylum 9/10

This was one of my favorite mazes. Good talent, excellent props, and I loved the people behind me always getting freaked out. There were a lot of parts that there could have been scareactors, but anyways, this maze was REALLY good. Only sad part was no Joey.

Hatchet High 8/10

This maze was what Haunt knows about comedy. Very funny and a couple of great scareactors. The signs and doors were really cool and the overall theme was great.

Lost Vegas in 3-D 2/10

Defenitly the worst maze of the night. The only good parts were the music. Not very good, but the signs outside were funny.

13 Axe Murder Manor 10/10

Defenitly one of the best mazes of the night. Great talent, great scenery, and just an overall great maze. I really enjoyed this one, even though it was the longest wait of the night.

Red Beard's Revenge 9/10

This was a great maze even with all of the negative feedback it recieved last year. I really liked the scareactors in this maze, very nice and also talked with us.

Terror Vision in 3-D 8/10

This maze was another example of Haunt's comedy. Very loud, lots of use of strobe lights, and ok scareactors. I remember seeing pictures of this maze with more themeing and scareactors, but oh well.




The Hanging: The Other Dead Man's Chest 10/10

Wow, this show was freakin HILARIOUS! Great pop culture jokes and even fighting fast-food icons make this one of my favorite shows of all time. It is also very easy to quote.




Ghost Town 8/10

The original scare zone, but certainly not the best. It was very cool and I saw many different scares. Overall, pretty good, but could use some work.

Silver Bullet Mining Town 10/10

The best scare zone of the night. Great monsters, and some awesome scares. Also has a lot of chainsaw guys, which is cool by me.

The Gauntlet 9/10

Number 2 on my list of favorite scare zones, had some awesome monsters. It had one KILLER slider that slid about 30-40 feet. Great scare-zone, but overuse of fog.

CarnEVIL 5/10

Worst scare zone. Not much talent and only some ok scares. But, if you are afraid of clowns, defenitly not the place for you.


Onto the pictures!


Haunt has come for 2006!


Red Moon Massacre is GHETTO!


The Asylum is an awesome maze! No Joey though.




One of the only rides we went on last night.


We skipped it. Didn't look that good anyways.




Hatchet High. Great maze.


Since I was at a theme park, I had to take a picture of a roller coaster.


Don't you like my chicken?


Random antics on the merry-go-round.


The talking skull from Red Beard's Revenge.


Bloody dude. And me.


Awesome dead horse and rider thingie.


And to end the update, the electric chair guy! Next up: SFMM's Fright Fest


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Wow, sorry for the really delayed PTR. I've been busy for the last few days and haven't gotten around to resizing the pictures. Overall, Fright Fest wasn't even nearly as good as Haunt, not many monsters roaming around in what SF calls Scare Zones. I think the only guy I saw outside of a maze, I took a picture of. Well, on with the TR!




Terror and Carnage E. Hall 9/10

I really enjoyed this maze. But, as for quality, Haunt would kick its butt. The scareactors were OK and I really liked how they had employees within the group who would get taken away by the monsters. The twist at the end was great, I came away laughing.




Colossus: Backwards! 10/10

All I have to say about this is WOW. This ride really blew me away, they should always keep Colossus like this. Really smooth and a defenite wierd feeling.


Freefall: Satellite Tower 9/10

This ride was also a surprise since I heard from many people that this ride was rough and painful. Well, they were wrong. An awesome feeling, a little rough towards the end of the strip, but still an unbelieveable experience.


Goliath Jr. 9/10

The only reason I gave this a 9/10 was because it was an illegal credit! Yay!


Onto the photos!


Welcome to Six Flags Magic Mountain's Fright Fest 2006!


Yay, Orient Express is back open!


Proof that it lives


Stupid canned mystery meat!


Circus Wheel is back open and operating


Colossus: Backwards! time.


We all enjoyed our ride on Colossus: Backwards!


The only two monsters I saw out of a maze that night.


Great maze, not Haunt quality, but good anyways.


Log Jammer at night = Insanly soaked and cold


Bye SFMM, it was fun!


That's it, hope you enjoyed it!


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^ Well if his expirence was anything like mine, the 3 hour line was a good reason to skip it!





Great PTR Brent! Funny that I ended up going to Haunt on the same day that you did, and you took practically identical pictures as me (I havn't made my ptr yet)! Thanks for the reviews!


Hope to see more PTRs...



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Nice pic TR again Brent!


I had a lot of fun that night, even though there were no good scares. I was really surprised that we only saw 2 freaks the whole night.


Also, where are the photos I sent you? If you did not want to use them, that's fine.


Once again, I had a great time and look forward to our next meet up!


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Here are a few pics from our day at SFMM off my camera. I had a great time! Hope you guys did too!



P.S. Sorry everyone!!!!!! This was my first time putting up pics and everything is backwards. Please start at the bottom and work your way up!


Time for a fun day at the mountain with my TPR coaster buddy Brent!


Brent's dad B.J, and Brent's sister Chelsea came along too!


We started our day on the pirate ship. Chris looks soooooo exited!




YAY! Our first ride on a Intamin 1st Gen!

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