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Posts posted by AllisonY2K

  1. Sharktums: I for one am waiting for your first hot tub party filled with guys in speedos! So what if I don't have a chance with them!


    LOL! and that's why gay men are so much fun to hang out and party with.


    Spike: I'll bring my speedo when I come down.


    Hey! You said you were coming down to FL to visit me!

    I see how it is....

  2. Two guys walked into a bar, the third one ducked.


    A horse walks into a bar. The bartender goes "why the long face?"


    A nun, a priest, and a rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender takes one look at the group and says "what is this, some kind of joke?"


    How do you top a car? 'tep on the brake, 'tupid.



    3 couples were out at a nice restaurant enjoying a fine meal. All 3 couples were sitting at their own tables. The man at the 3rd table looks over to the couple at the first table when he saw the husband lean over to this wife and say "Pass me the honey, honey." to which the wife politely passed the honey over to him. "Wow," said the husband at the 3rd table. "that's really neat! I'll have to try it!" He looks over at the 2nd table and observes the husband lean in to his wife and politely say "pass me the sugar, sugar." The husband at the 3rd table, again, is amazed! "that's really cool! I have to find something to try this out with." Frantically he looks around the table to find something to ask his wife to pass to him so he can try this out. Finally he spots an item to ask for. His eyes turn up to his wife, he begins to smile and politely says to his wife,


    "Pass me the pork, pig."


    (again, no refunds for the 2 minutes you won't get back)

  3. Two friends were arguing over the pronounciation of the city in which they were vacationing in.


    "It's pronounced 'New ORE-lens'" said the one man.

    "No, it's pronounced 'New Ore-leens'" said his friend.


    "I tell you what," said the first man, "why don't we find a local resident and ask them how they pronounce the city."

    "Fine." said his friend.


    So they go into a restaurant and go up to the person behind the counter and politely ask:


    "Ma'am, could you pronounce where we are, and please say it slowly? My friend and I are having a disagreement as to how you pronounce it."


    The lady behind the counter looked at them both quizzicly and said,





    (no you cannot have those 2 minutes of your life back)

  4. Robb Alvey models the latest and greatest in themepark poncho fashion. The item is made of a low-to-medium quality plastic and one size fits most. As you can see, it's very comfortable to wear, doesn't hamper your park or ride enjoyment, is rodent-friendly and is escalator safe.


    Thank you, Robb!

    *crowd applaudes, cameras snap pictures*

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