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Posts posted by AllisonY2K

  1. Speaking as one of TPR's Designated Homos


    The honesty of that statement cracked me up.


    I never thought about my weight much until one day at BGT when it became apparent that I was getting too big to ride Montu and Kumba. shortly after that I started dieting and walking more. I've dropped over 50 pounds in a year which isn't too bad considering some of the stress I've had this year, but I would like to drop an additional 50 by next year.

  2. I keep my bedroom really dark, not because that's the only way I can sleep, just because I like it dark, it stays nice and cool, and my housemates can't tell if I'm awake or not so I don't get bugged by them.


    anyway, 2 pics.


    pic#1 - that brown thing under the awning/tarp, that holds a computer, tv/vcr and stereo. total entertainment center right next to the pool.


    pic #2 - obviously a hot tub, the chairs next to it are pointing towards the tv that's outside.


    screened in lanai+hot tub


    back yard/pool/patio

  3. Dude! I've never seen (or heard of) $30 scratch off tickets before. I think $10 is the most expensive we have around here. great pics, nice to see the place you've talked about in chat a few times.


    ..and you didn't have a winning coke cap, you didn't win anything on your scratch off ticket....it just wasn't your lucky day. :?

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