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Posts posted by AllisonY2K

  1. I knew about the Ice track zero-g right under the Fire camelback. It happened that on one of the rides that day I just decided to look down and "woah!". Never heard any bells though, I was too busy "oooohing" and "aaahing" at the queue theming. DD's queue rules.


    great TR!

    I knew about the Dr. Seuss trees, I think it was on a show on the Travel Channel. they also said many of the buildings in that land are made of styrofoam. it's hard compact styrofoam but it was the best building material to create all the design curves.

  2. I was referred here by the good graces of Barry H. He posted a link to his Dania Beach coaster video which I watched and enjoyed, then started downloading every other coaster video on the site. After that I noticed there was a forum on the site so I thought "hmmm, let's check it out!"


    Is he still my friend? I guess in a loose sense of the word. I haven't had the pleasure of being in his presence for a few years now. Heck the last time I saw him was pre-transition. So yeah, he's known me from back in the day. haha.


    So..does Barry get something for referring me?

  3. I figured since you have to read this thread anyway, it would be one way to give this to you. saw the smiling rodent in a TR (Blackpool?) and thought "now wouldn't it be cute if...." so yeah, for your personal collection. thought it would be a cute avatar.


    rodent fanatic - sorry it's a little small

  4. but I was a kid in the 80s!

    and there was a 90s show tossed in to the mix!

    Brendon Fraiser. omg..he was so hot in the movie "School Ties". lost it in "Encino Man" but got it back in "The Mummy".

    and Jennifer Connelly looked very hot in "The Rocketeer". must have been the 50s fashions.

  5. How do u change the colour n stuff??


    I have a link at home about changing the colors on the page and stuff, adding videos, etc. I'll post it here when I get home tonight.


    Chrissie: you need more friends!


    I get the occaisonal creep and horny old man wanting to add me. I usually just let their friend requests sit in limbo. Won't approve, won't deny. I'll just not touch it. It bugs me when someone who I don't know sends a friend request and doesn't bother to email to introduce themselves..like I'll add people just to add them.


    If you're 21+:


  6. I am having problems downloading the video. I did have it downloaded at one time but I figured maybe it was a bad download because it crashed every player I tried to use to play the clip.

    (DivX, MediaPlayer, QuickTime, WinAmp, RealPlayer)

  7. I'm annoyed at my housemates. Actually my housemates are a source of constant annoyance, but last weekend trumped anything else.


    We had 2 friends over, Erin and Tori. Great, great people. Really nice. Well one of my housemates, Shannon, planned on grilling burgers for all 4 of us. 4 people, 2 burgers each. Sounds like a plan. Shannon starts grilling, Tori and Erin get out of the pool for little bit, and I decide to stay in to load up some internet radio on the poolside computer. Many minutes pass and I notice Shannon had finished grilling. No problem, we all will be eating together..she's probably just dividing things up.


    Shortly after, Tori comes out, sits down and starts eating. then Erin. then Shannon. as they begin eating Shannon looks at me (I'm still in the pool) and says, "There was a slight accident. Erin accidentally dropped your burgers on the ground and the dogs ate them."


    So instead of 4 people with 2 burgers each, there is now 3 people with 2 burgers each and 1 person with nothing. how lovely.


    BUT...there's more!


    I'm on the pool computer typing the burger incident up in my LiveJournal and there is an awning slightly obscuring the view from the patio table to the pool computer. Shannon, Erin and Tori had gone inside to clean their dishes up and were walking back outside talking. I hear Tori mentioning how she and Erin really like Joe (the 2nd housemate). Shannon replies, "yeah. you know, you and Erin are the first two transsexual friends that Joe really likes." Now my ears perk up. Um...wait...what about me? I hear one of the girls ask about me. I hear Shannon reply, "well to tell you the truth, and I'm a little drunk when I say this, Joe doesn't like Allie. oh s--t, and she's right over there as I said that."


    I didn't let on that I heard the entire conversation. Erin and Tori came over about 15 minutes later to say our goodbyes and I wished them a safe ride home. I waited a few minutes after they left, cleaned up, and just stayed in my room the rest of the night. I've pretty much avoided both of them ever since. I'm moving out in early November.


    Almost a week later Shannon had some leftover lunch meat she wasn't going to eat so she offered it to me. I accepted, and then when she was getting ready for work I fed it to the dogs.

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