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Posts posted by AllisonY2K

  1. Not nearly as scary as some of the women I've seen featured on various HBO programs about similar subjects...


    would that be the HBO series showing prostitutes on the streets with narration by a guy who always talks in rhyme? that got annoying after awhile. "pimps on a roll, hookers on a stroll." and so on and so on.


    fortunatly South Park made a parody of that.

    "ho's walk the streets, with corns on their feets."

    "broken dreams and no ice creams."


  2. lovely video. I guess I would call it cheesy because of the easy cheese. mmm..easy cheese. *drools* um, the dancing..yeah, I've seen worse from gay(er) men so no complaints about that. I swear at one point I saw naked DenDen ass but after reviewing the video again (at the 8:20 mark) it wasn't the case. I wasn't hoping, but thought that would have been hilarious. I'm sure with the lack of A/C it was tempting. I don't think you're really *that* gay. not flamingly obvious anyway.


    LOVED the "Blair Witch" references! LOL.

  3. It bugs me when someone doesn't know when to shut up. A gas station is not the place to get into a deep conversation with the cashier who obviously doesn't care -and- you're holding up the line of people behind you. Not only did he ramble on about something utterly pointless for 10 minutes but then he left AND CAME BACK to add another point to his conversation for another 5 minutes. I would have said "dude, just STFU." but then that would have caused him to talk to -me- for who knows how long and I wasn't having that.

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