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Ultimate Coaster

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Everything posted by Ultimate Coaster

  1. Read the quote again. I read this in an issue of ACE's Rollercoaster! magazine, in part I of the B&M history. It was stated that the stand-up and inverted concept from B&M blew Kinzel away, and thus he ordered those attractions. Anyone who is in ACE and recieves at this magazine can vouch for me. I kid you not. If you guys would like, I will scan it into my computer and post it (if that is allowed by copyright.....Robb?). Read my quote again. Does TTD have inversions? No. Obviously Kinzel does not consider TTD's ride style to be a gimmick as much as he considers inversions to be. Exactly. Kinzel was very specific in the inversions are gimmicks statement, I don't see why that's so hard to understand around here. The AquaTrax doesn't actually splash down. It has troughs with water jets that shoot at the side of the train, but there is no actual splashdown area - thus why you wouldn't see such an area built into a lake (not that they would built it in the lake anyways). There is, however, an abundance of fairly straight footers.....perfect for, say, a trough: http://www.rcdb.com/ig1646.htm?picture=20 The footers that hold that up are single and straight. But what if I mentioned that this could be a variation of the AquaTrax? One that doesn't focus as much on water, but utilizes the AquaTrax vehicles and launch system? For example, think of a car shaped like a wild horse (a "Maverick") - and you ride on saddles on the back of the horse (the AquaTrax has saddle-style seating).
  2. The signs to me are nothing more than theming. "Sidewindin'" is a general "western" term for fancy maneuvering, which indicates the layout of this coaster. You all seem to forget the fact that if CP tries to hint things at you, they do it directly. Signs were posted everywhere during MF's construction telling you it would be a record breaker, for example. This ride's signs are far too dodgy to be considered as anything but theming. I don't see the wingwalker concept at all here. The Wingwalker is proposedly HYDRAULICALLY launched, not LIM - it is simply a train refit for Accelerators, a ride type which CP surely aren't getting (management has stated their unhappiness with said system because of Dragster's issues). I also don't see anything new or prototypical. What was the last prototype CP built? I don't recall one. CP really only builds bigger versions of rides that have been done already - not new ride types/styles themselves. As for records? I don't think it will break any. The height/speed records are pretty far fetched in my opinion, given the footer layout, and the inversion record is absolutely ridiculous. In a recent issue of Rollercoaster! magazine, I read how "Kinzel considers inversions to be gimmicky in nature" (ever wonder why CP has so few loopers?) - why would he make himself a hypocrite by breaking an inversion record? Intamin Inverts are out of the question. The footer layout isn't right for it, and CP already has the Inverted side of things covered, with a Suspended coaster, an inverted launcher, and an inverted megalooper. What's left? Honestly, I have to say that I favor the AquaTrax concept here. The seats are saddle-style, the ride is an LIM launch, and the layout looks very similar to the only existing AquaTrax - Atlantis Adventure. http://www.rcdb.com/ig1646.htm The footers are also similar. This concept also allows CP to build something that has been tried, tested, and proven - but on a bigger scale. The final thing - the ride's proposed name, Maverick, represents a wild animal. What else to fit that name than, say, a wild bull-themed AquaTrax car with "saddles" on it's back to sit on? Hmm.....
  3. Kumba is a bit dull to me, if for no other reason than I've ridden the same layout on 3-4 other coasters. Montu is a bit more exciting, but I hate the batwing trims and the MCBR really kills the "pacing" you say exists throughout the ride. I will say that SheiKra's MCBR does the same thing, and SheiKra tends to be heavily braked, but SheiKra does something that few coasters do, unique "tricks" so to speak, whereas Kumba and Montu are simply bigger/slightly different versions of common coasters.
  4. I've got to go with SheiKra on this one. Best floatjector airtime on a coaster I've ever ridden (floater air that feels like ejector, a little term I made up, haha). SheiKra is the only "hyper" of Florida, but it serves the bill well. Excellent ride - and almost never any lines! I was going to vote Hulk, but I realized a minute ago that I like SheiKra's air just a little better than Hulk's power. Time to go change those top 10 ratings As for the poster above, I actually enjoyed EE. The backwards section took my by surprise in terms of its intensity, and I thought that the theming was top notch as well as unique. EE was alot of fun for me, and I value the amout of fun I have on a coaster higher than I value the actual forces. If something makes me laugh or happy, I'm going to rate it high - and in that respect, EE rates pretty damned high.
  5. I'm going to have to second/third/fourth/whatever the whole "CP is overrated" thing. CP had amazing rides when I first rode coasters (it was included in my first major coaster trip), but now that I've gained about 90-100 credits since, it really doesn't hold up to parks like SFGAdv, which have a much better and balanced selection in my opinion. To me, CP's coaster selection is pretty much summed up as such - "The current height and speed record holder and/or a bunch of former height and speed record holders". The park seriously lacks in inversions, airtime, and basically anything except tall, fast coasters. SFGAdv has much better selection. I will say though, one thing I disagree with Robb on is Magnum. I found Magnum to have a ton of airtime, and I consider it the best ride in the park, personally. Gemini is a close second. Anyways, my top 10, out of 137 coasters: 1. S:RoS SFNE 2. Incredible Hulk 3. SheiKra 4. Alpengeist 5. Kingda Ka (I know, it's so cheesy, but I LOVE the launch) 6. Talon 7. Expedition Everest 8. Magnum XL-200 9. Storm Runner 10. Lightning Racer There are many others in there that I could give very honorable mentions to - particuraly, anything in the BG parks, and the Universal coasters I didn't mention. A few SFGAdv coasters are also in what would be my top 20 list.
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