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Everything posted by BassoonBuffoon

  1. Hi everyone. So I'm at school right now and I need help (by the end of this week). I need to design a roller coaster for physics class (no the hard part) but I'd like to create a video of it. I don't think that there is a feature in NL that will alow me to do it...but I've seen it done. Does anyone here know how and will they please help me...
  2. so this rude guy tells my friend Al that he (Al) has man boobs...so Al replies, "Have you seen my latest movie, 'A Fridge Too Far'?"
  3. That ruined that whole thing for you?! I suppose that going 128 MPH wasn't enough for you. (PS you need to get over the fact that there are people that disagree with you...the sooner you learn this lesson, the better off you will be in life.)
  4. I understand how to use NL alright, but smoothing track is my main problem. If you'd be willing to help I'd sent you some of my tracks.
  5. So I totally would like to make the drive to SFGAm (it's like 4/4.5 hrs. from CP) but I can't...if you ever decide to come to CP I will totally take you up on that offer though!
  6. I play bassoon like the name implies...but I also play: Tuba (really sousaphone..yes there is a significant differance) Baritone (I could find my way on a Euphonium but I'm not used to the fourth valve or the wider bore) Trumpet (where i started out...but melody was below me....ummm..idk either) Mellophone (essentially a trumpet pitched in F...especially w/o the adapeter/horn mouthpiece) Aux. Perc. (this require essentially no thought....it's triangles and stuff) Timpani and Melodic Perc. (I prefer a Timpanum - the is such a thing; it is the singular form of Timpani - but I'm not really good at either)
  7. BassoonBuffoon


    wow I had the expander and it didn't hurt at all
  8. Yeah you do. we just finished our band camp today and we thought it was cool today in the upper 80s...oh yes the life of a band geek
  9. Directors that won't let you ever take waterbreaks are idiots....the story before that one reminds me of the time our old director lost his temper (over the tuba section's ceaseless smart-ass coments) and threw a stand...another time he was mad at the tubas he broke a baton and the flutes and bassoon (i.e. me) had to stifle our laughter...which was not easy
  10. So this week starts my third week of band camp this summer...which brings up the question "how many other band geeks are there out there?" do you have a good story form band camp? do you have a good story from band? do you have a good story? Detail! Band Geeks, Hut!
  11. woo hoo for trips around the world! That looked like a rousing good time...(too bad you didn't have Elissa) ...speaking of Elissa...I picked up on the phalice thing too...
  12. the answer to number four is you totally need to ride the Jet express to Put-In-Bay...(mostly becasue I work there...but not at that dock)....yeah . Ride the Jet www.jet-express.com ! in answer to the post above I would say that it depends on the year. This year seems to be kind of slow but things might pick up after x-mas in July. I'll check that if I a) get a chance b) remember....
  13. That is the Beauty of Intamin track and its being very structurally sound. (i.e. Steel Venom formerly S:UE)
  14. Wow. It's really too bad that I live in Ohio...but when Cedar Point builds something you deem worthy to come out and ride, it would be awsome to go with you. I live just half an hour west. (refer to location in the bank at the left) That would be a riotous time I'm sure!
  15. hey there! Could I get mine changed to Flute Pimp? ...or Über Band Geek? ...which ever you like better.
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