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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Beautiful photos, guppyman! You are a very talented photographer. Hey, I live in League City too! Maybe we'll see you around this summer. -Derek
  2. WHOA!!!! Do we have magnetic brakes on this thing?!?!?!? It was near silent coming into the brakerun! COOL!!!! Thanks for the great video, Jason!!!! YEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! -Derek
  3. EXCELLENT pictures, guruguys! Ummm...isn't it dangerous to be smoking while you are building a wooden roller coaster??? That would really stink if he accidentally burned down the whole thing...ahem... Anybody going out there today? -Derek
  4. Sure...I shot these tonight with my updated graphics card driver...looks a bit sharper, I think... -Derek
  5. So I'm a bit confused...where exactly did the train come to rest this last time? Did it make it up the 4th hill? -Derek
  6. WOW...so I guess now they have to remove it car by car again...or maybe they can push it through somehow... I thought for sure it would make it to the station once they pushed it over... -Derek
  7. I just noticed something funny.... The location at which the train is now stuck is the exact spot at which the train was glued on the scale model at the IAAPA convention. Interesting...maybe they never intended it to go beyond that point...just kidding... -Derek
  8. Oh how depressing...and it must be kinda embarrassing for the designers. I wonder what is really going on? Maybe it is windier up there than they anticipated? The wind off the Bay can be pretty gusty. Is it common to have to tweak the track guage...that much??? Oh boy... We were gonna go out there but thought for sure they wouldn't risk another failure with all the crowds watching...oh well... -Derek
  9. This one of the best photos I've seen taken for a dusk shot! Congrats. I took your photo and auto-balanced the color and sharpened its resolution... oooooooooh maaaaaaaan ... a real beauty indeed. Thanks...but I cannot take credit...my wife Roxanne (aka fishermansgirl) is the photographer. She says 'thanks', by the way. -Derek
  10. I'll show a couple we took then... Pretty much the same things Jason showed earlier... Click thumbnails for full-size images... it is a BEAUTIFUL coaster... The little train that couldn't... And look closely in the middle of this photo...I suspect that anti-rollback cog rail thingie is new... -Derek
  11. We just got back and we ran into Jason and Jason and Christopher...he had his camera so I'm sure he'll post pictures soon. -Derek
  12. It will be difficult to get a crane in that spot won't it? Isn't that one of the tunnelled sections? Or am I wrong? We'll probably go out there tomorrow or Sunday to drool... -Derek
  13. I had divided the project into 4 parts that I will render together as a single video...3 of them are complete, the 4th has the video complete and I'm working on the audio on that last part. I'm working on it a little at a time. It's just a hobby for me...for fun...but I AM working on it, I assure you. -Derek
  14. For the crusher, try using the rotating tunnel from the ghost train ride. -Derek
  15. Sorry it is taking so long! AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Here...look at this for now... -Derek
  16. Um...actually...there are houses right next door...in fact, there is a house right in the "crook" of the "L" shape the coaster layout makes...kinda reminded me of that house that was built beneath the Thunderbolt coaster at Coney Island....the house across the street is for sale. -Derek
  17. I wouldn't mind if they had had the coaster fly through the restaurant...LOL! I'd still eat there! -Derek
  18. Sorry...real-life has thrown me a couple of curve balls that I wasn't expecting...I'm back on track now. I worked a bit on it last night and I'm working on it tonight. I am working with some peeps doing voice work...and getting all of them to record their parts has been challenging. LOL! -Derek
  19. We were out at the Boardwalk today and ate lunch at Saltgrass right next to those windows! I hadn't been out there in a few weeks. This ride looks incredible "in person"! The number of track crossovers is unbelievable! There are places where you can look deep into the structure and you realize there is track in there...the head-choppers are going to be so insane! The turns are really tight...it really reminded us of the whirlpool turns on the Rye Airplane. And the view of the lake from the top on the turn off the lift will be amazing! I can't wait to ride! -Derek
  20. I KNEW I saw them! I thought I was crazy! No one believed that I saw them...thanks for confirming that I saw them too. Yeah...I guess they are just storing them. -Derek
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