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Everything posted by notudon

  1. Be sure to check out the Namco booth's Pacman Battle Royale video game. 4 player head to head pacman where you can eat the other players.
  2. Agreed. This plan is very intriguing, but I do think much of the art work is place holder material just to show the scope not the content. At least the group is reaching out to the local community and seeking their input. Hopefully the local Tangelo Park residents will embrace this.
  3. I am excited about this new park and hope it advances through the different stages and gets built. Iain is correct and knows what he is talking about. This project is made up of a few different individuals, Steve Baker being one of them. I was excited to see the news coverage on this and look forward to future press releases with real information. So far this appears to be just place setter artwork, drawings and logos. This information was not released for media consumption, but it got leaked and now we all have something new to talk about.
  4. Yes, they do run two trains- but very rarely, no the pre-show rooms were not used this season. They were set up to play music videos of that decade, but they decided to just push everyone through instead.
  5. Big Mike. It should be fairly crowded on the 12th, it is a special event. They are offering 2nd day free for the next day, so you could always come back the next day at opening (11:00) and ride anything that you might have missed. Rob, don't believe the 100 car parking lot recaps. The park was busy pretty much every day after July 4th.
  6. Piper's Elf costume is a re-working of the old swamp costume. Clover's fairy costume is all new and Boom, well Boom doesn't wear a costume, he is a Troll and he just wears a newly made green vest.
  7. Good luck. I found Wii Fit to be a good work out and fun at the same time. The hardest thing is using it consistently.
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