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Everything posted by mjollner

  1. The only thing that really bothers me is... I couldn't help but notice Rob and Elissa is in Europe now, and I know I'm not the only one who looks forward to the best on/off-ride footage in the world. Especially on this coaster... I also love hearing Rob narrate the on-ride experience while screaming like a little girl... Does this mean that our hopes and dreams of seeing/ hearing this soon is shattered?
  2. Unbelievable! I remember Robb geeking out about this coaster when it was announced... I thought it looked great, but I didn't get why he was SOOO very enthustiatic about it... I get it now... I'm sitting here and I can hardly believe this thing is real... And what do you know... Maybe they'll actually get this thing hauling before Lightning Rod opens. #DontWorryItWillOpen #DontLetHashtagBattleEnsue Can't wait to see a HQ POV of this, much less ride it...
  3. This is going to be completely amazing. I hope that Taurons launches will get progressively faster and more intense and that they don't blow the ride's full steam with the first launch. I know this is unlikely to happen, but I still love a coaster with no breaks where the pace just gets wilder as you go... I know I know... Why would you waste a bunch of speed just to slam it into the break-run? But still... A man can dream. I've never ridden Maverick, but from a conceptual point and POV's it's my favourite coaster in the world... It stopped the height-wars, showing that a low-to-the-ground coaster can be as intense as a tall one. ... I always geeked out about the fact that it doesn't reach top-speed until half-way at the launch. I hope this one does the same.
  4. I only rode one CGI and that was Twister at Gröna Lund... I liked the first drop and the compact size intertwined with the other 3? coasters... But the ride it self still left me kind of disappointed. I don't know what I was expecting. I know Alton probably needs a good family-ride more than another thrill-ride, but still... I would've loved a second RMC in Europe. Maybe the launch will give it an extra kick.
  5. Hey, I'm Swedish... and Sweden, Norway and Finland sort of look like a very weird dick and balls peeing on Europe, so you're all good.
  6. I missed the edit about genitalia.... Now I'm the one looking like a dick. =(
  7. 1400km, that's like, what? 10 miles? Doesn't seem unreasonable to me. I've driven 10 miles to get a Wacky Worm credit. And I don't know how you feel about Wacky Worms, but I would put Wildfire slightly higher than a Wacky Worm kind of intense adrenaline rush. And I do loves me some Wacky Worm. 1400m km is roughly 870 miles. Is that too much for a Wacky Worm? You're only off by 860 miles... =p
  8. A big kick in the butt up the lift hill and then airtime over the crest and into the drop... and then haul ass through the whole ride... Forgive me, but how on earth do you find that pointless?
  9. Not sure Sweden can take the credit for the chick in the video. ' Ana' is an eastern name and she sounds and looks like it too. Anyway. Trains look awesome! I can't frickin' wait to see this thing haul!
  10. POV uploaded from Kolmården a few hours ago. Not sure if it brings anything new... But I'll just leave it here in case someone missed how completely AWESOME this ride will be.
  11. Universal has said that the new coaster would provide a smoother ride experience!! So I'm hoping/thinking they smoothed out some of the coaster. I'm confused by what you all mean by "smoothened." Were there parts of the ride you thought needed to be reprofiled or are you just talking about the general rattling that occurred in the years prior to this construction? I meant that rattling... I only rode it 3-4 times in the same day a couple of years ago. When I rode it was rattling quite a bit, and there was some head-banging towards the end. Strangely, I don't mind head-banging as much as rattle. I always feel like head-banging comes more with the ride-design. Rattle is more wear and tear. But that's just my stupid layman-reasoning. No idea if there's any science behind it.
  12. Looks cool! I especially like the outward-banked curve at the beginning, and that first turn in free-spin looks like the best part of the ride. First part coaster-wise looks ok. Nothing too crazy. Backwards is pretty short and simple but I'm sure it will feel great as going backwards is such a kick in itself. The best part about the backwards bit is that it adds 20 seconds to the ride between the MCBR and the second lift hill. Looks like a great family-ride and a cool addition to a great lineup. Intense for the kids, fun for the adults, and the one-of-a-kind factor is sure to make the coaster geeks happy to ride.
  13. Trains look sick! Best looking train I've ever seen. The new story sounds nice, but the theming was not the big problem of the ride. I really hope they smoothened out the coaster, rather than just repackaging the exact same experience. I've always been a sucker for Hulk tho. That one-of-a-kind launch at the start and the massive cobra-roll... Just one unique beast of a classic.
  14. They could just buy Gwazi from BGT and rename it to " The John Holmes Experience".
  15. I'd expect it to stall towards the end... But not there.
  16. Short teaser from the lift of Cobra's Curse. The tilt into the snake's mouth looks pretty sexy.
  17. As much as I wanna see, I'd rather wait for YouTube than download additional codecs or players. Cheers for sharing tho.
  18. April-weather in Sweden. It's always crazy! It rains, it snows, it hails... You have the awesomely warm and pretty days and the incredibly cold and windy ones... It switches like crazy. Sometimes within a day. It's like nature can't decide if it's winter or spring... For some reason, I love the voice and demeanour of this Damien dude. Seems like a great character!
  19. Woohoo! After days of trying I finally caught Valravn testing. Multiple trains too. Looks like it's running great. Remarkable how much speed it still has at the end, and especially how it seems to pick up speed after the last inversion. There will definitely be a little airtime on that last hump... But who rides a dive-machine for the great airtime? Cycling all web-cam coasters now ( Except Blue Streak). GateKeeper, Raptor, Millennium, Maverick and Rougaroo. Am I the only one who thinks the trains for Rougaroo looks totally bad-ass?
  20. Sweet pictures! Horror-movies always make it seem like a scary thing to be alone in a theme park, but this clearly proves it's just ridiculously awesome!
  21. I disagree about Kumba, which is the only one of those I've been on. But obviously this is a matter of opinion and taste. What I'm saying is, the MCBR there for operating reasons, not to make the coaster better... Other manufacturers build their coasters without it, and I find those coasters better. Anything that is awesome post MCBR can be achieved without it. It's about the initial design. Look at Lightning Rod for instance... That coaster ( and all RMC's) is just ruthless from start to finish. There are no breaks. And they build their rides to be the best rides they can possibly be... Which means they don't install an MCBR to ensure they eat as many people per hour as possible... I understand the reason why they use MCBR's... but I prefer a coaster only designed to be the best ride it can be while you're on it.
  22. The first airtime hill after the hammerhead-turn looks bad-ass. And while I understand the purpose of an MCBR, I can't help but feel like it's a shame a shame on every coaster that has one. Why? Because as I understand it, they put in an MCBR to buy time for the loading... Not to make the ride better. With an MCBR, the second half of the coaster is bound to be less exciting than the first. An RMC does not have this problem. And a second launch a la Maverick, Helix or Cheetah Hunt means the ride stays super-exciting and awesome the whole way through. That said, Mako looks bad ass! I hope they only trim what they need to not make it painful.
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