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Everything posted by ElectricUncleSam

  1. They mention that the plant in Batavia is generally friendly to curious enthusiasts. Can anyone tell me if this is true?
  2. I AM CRAZY NOW DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING ROBB PLEASE THIS IS KILLING ME Oh, what a shame! I hope you don't die before the news is released!
  3. You mean like what happened to the KI website a couple years back with the supposed Bat wing coaster?
  4. Yeah.... no. As somebody who has greyed out on the majority of my rides on MF, "Millennium Forceless" is one of the dumbest nicknames for a coaster that I have ever heard of. In no way is MF "forceless", at all. Wikipedia claims that it pulls 4.5 Gs, which I would guess is a low estimate. The Batman clones supposedly pull 4.9 and Boomerangs supposedly pull 5.2 (that sounds like BS to me, though), I never grey out on those. I would assume MF actually pulls up to 5 Gs at the very least. I cant say for Boomerangs, but Invertigo models definitely have some high Gs for them. They're my most common "grey-out" rides. The Batman clones I can also see pulling almost 5. Some would even call them the most intense and forceful inverts.
  5. With the color scheme comment, he's just referring to the fact that Gatekeeper, Millennium Force, Corkscrew, and Blue Streak have relatively similar color schemes, as do Maverick, Iron Dragon, Top Thrill Dragster, and Magnum. By my count, that's 4 blue and 4 red. How dare you forget Pipe Scream I'll call that a coaster when Bieber comes out Lord we can only hope! Kind of a Pipe Scream-Bieber paradox. With PS, we know its not s coaster, but a lot of people think it is. With JB, we know he IS, but everyone thinks he isnt.
  6. With the color scheme comment, he's just referring to the fact that Gatekeeper, Millennium Force, Corkscrew, and Blue Streak have relatively similar color schemes, as do Maverick, Iron Dragon, Top Thrill Dragster, and Magnum. By my count, that's 4 blue and 4 red. How dare you forget Pipe Scream I'll call that a coaster when Bieber comes out
  7. Who ever took the pictures was on the public road. To get a picture of the tags, they would need to trespass onto the property. You mean like they've done for damn near every other coaster to be made in the plant?
  8. With the color scheme comment, he's just referring to the fact that Gatekeeper, Millennium Force, Corkscrew, and Blue Streak have relatively similar color schemes, as do Maverick, Iron Dragon, Top Thrill Dragster, and Magnum. By my count, that's 4 blue and 4 red.
  9. 4/5 Great Lakes do prefer Michigan... I'm with you 100% on this! I don't have anything against a Dive Machine either, and will definitely be happy with it, if that's what it ends up being. But for the reasons you stated, plus a few others, I just feel like it's superfluous given what CP already has. Considering what they don't have, that they could put in that spot, is what makes a Dive Machine seem like a let-down, even though it would still be awesome. Or maybe KD. There was a rumor that something from B&M would replace Shockwave. I don't see it as likely, though, due to the small footprint that SW covers. Besides, I'm still half-expecting the bomb to be dropped that the track we're seeing is for a major new coaster for Canada's Wonderland, and CP is going to get that Dark Ride/Coaster in 2016!
  10. Its like you live right next to me. Those are almost exactly the distances for me.
  11. I believe it would be the rain as every day we've gone there was rain in the forecast at least in the morning. Every time I check CP has been getting rain too. They ended up being beautiful days but the park was pretty empty. More Maverick for me! At 4 1/2 hours away, I wouldn't really call MIA and CP close
  12. Being someone who's grown up around racing, going to the drag strip every weekend, I've always found every part of the teeming badass, cheesy or not.
  13. That is the sound of God and some Intamin goodness. Or is he talking about the sound effect of a car launching when the train does? Not the idling engine when it sits in the launch bay, the throaty roar you hear when you launch.
  14. This is true as it is in every other park but, I have had my phone fly out of my pocket on Maverick (I'm dumb and forgot to zip up my pocket). I politely asked the ride attendants if they ever walked the track at close to find missing items and they do. I wasn't the only person who asked for their phone back that night. Everyone that showed up at the end of the day got their phone back, only one was completely destroyed and the park isn't liable to replace or fix it. Everyone there was very understanding of that fact, including the person whose phone was destroyed. Shout out to those workers for going the extra mile for me and others, not sure if any other parks do that. Damn you Great Adventure! (Lost my new iPhone on Nitro this week, lost and found employees say "not even maintenance goes into Nitro's woods.") That's not true about Nitro. Security is always looking for "lost stuff" during the day in their golf carts under the track and in the woods. I don't mean to sound like an ass, but can we get back on Valravn before we blow this thing way out of proportion? Last thing TPR needs is more brouhaha.
  15. Fixed. I have yet to visit a park with better operations than Cedar Point. Even on slow days, every coaster (minus Wicked Twister obviously) runs at least two trains. It's clear that the park prides itself in getting the line moving as fast as possible. As far as American regional corporate parks go I would agree that Cedar Point has the best operations out there. Sure parks like Knoebels still put them to shame, but they also have far less ridiculous safety devices / scans and checks to contend with. You're shitting, right? There's a difference between being efficient and bitchy. Last time I was on GateKeeper, one of the ride ops was running up and down the station, taking everyone's stuff, just tossing it into the bins, and practically shoving people into the seats. And if you didn't teleport to the seat and magically do your restraint instantly, you would get some dirty-ass look as she slammed the restraint down and shoved the seatbelt into the lock. Yup, I'm sure every op at Cedar Point is like this... Been to the park several times, and this is the only time its happened on any of the rides, so I'm not too concerned. On an unrelated note, has anyone ever actually beaten those damn PS4/XBOX1 claw machines?
  16. This thing's only 2,700 feet long and cost $15,000,000 to have RMC work its magic. Still sound really cheap?
  17. Fixed. I have yet to visit a park with better operations than Cedar Point. Even on slow days, every coaster (minus Wicked Twister obviously) runs at least two trains. It's clear that the park prides itself in getting the line moving as fast as possible. As far as American regional corporate parks go I would agree that Cedar Point has the best operations out there. Sure parks like Knoebels still put them to shame, but they also have far less ridiculous safety devices / scans and checks to contend with. You're shitting, right? There's a difference between being efficient and bitchy. Last time I was on GateKeeper, one of the ride ops was running up and down the station, taking everyone's stuff, just tossing it into the bins, and practically shoving people into the seats. And if you didn't teleport to the seat and magically do your restraint instantly, you would get some dirty-ass look as she slammed the restraint down and shoved the seatbelt into the lock.
  18. I'm loving the finished logo. The coaster, meh....(jk, is badass)
  19. First LR, now this? I was shocked at how much of a whallop Lightning Run packs for such a small ride, can't wait to see what this does.
  20. It's definitely not standard! It looks like a Medusa-style barrel roll drop. Which itself bears a striking resemblance to the Smiler's drops, only entered in a Gatekeeper-like fashion.
  21. All the seats on Power Tower are front row. You're not really going forwards, so I wouldn't think so.
  22. Agreed. I always thought Mean Streak was one of the most beautiful and photogenic coasters out there.
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