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Posts posted by darklingscribe

  1. I guess just the local news is covering this, but on the night of the 20th an orca named Nakai got injured at SeaWorld. I saw this last night and am having a devil of a time finding a well written article covering the accident.


    Here is a basic article covering the incident, but said article seems to blame the injury on the other whales when the news report last night said the injuries were more consistent with environmental damage because the wound area has no visible signs of teeth marks.


    Even though the photo's of Nakai's lower jaw injury were plastered all over the local stations I can only find one site online that has some decent pictures.

    Click this link to see the photos. There is no blood, but I don't particularly want to post it in this thread.

  2. I see we have a fellow gardener in these forums. I'm sorry to say that aside from my artichokes I haven't really had time to plant anything this year.


    You know I've only ever seen Star Anise in seed pod form, what dose the plant look like? It is like fennel? I tried growing fennel last year but the aphids killed everything I planted and nothing I tried put a dent in their population.

  3. Brillinjo, you're welcome to come in and post your own WTF is it picture. But since I'm stuck at home with a bad back on this insufferably hot day I thought I'd post another.


    I left the brand on the object because I think Pro is a sufficiently vague name that Google isn't going to be much help.

  4. I'm getting no show for your post XYZ. If you're posting an off site photo I've always find it helps to look at the site the photo is linked to. Wiki pages, big retail chains, and news sites always seem to be the most reliable. I try to avoid more private pages like fan sites, blogs, or community forums when choosing photo urls because they'll have a bigger chance of being taken down or replaced with something much worse.


    But if by chance you've found the perfect photo and it is from a website that you think will kill the url save it to you computer and upload it to a free photo-bucket account and then post from there. It makes the url more reliable and has less of a chance of connecting TPR to malware.

  5. Yeah, two block in one launch area could be done, but only if there were two independently controlled launch sections that would work together as one section most of the time. It would cost more money than one launch section and there really is no point to it. The ride is too short to be able to dispatch a train and then load and dispatch another one before the first train gets over the top hat.


    It is not going to happen, get over it.

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