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Posts posted by darklingscribe

  1. I loved the new ride. Yes I did camp out starting at 3am. Yes, the ride broke down for 90min before we got on. It was still worth it. I did get to ride Matterhorn as well today. The new trains do not have any padding on them, so I felt that the ride was a bit harder on the back. The mountain looks really cleaned up now. The special effects and Yetis have not changed other than they too have been really cleaned up. The Yeti's roar is certainly a lot louder.


    Without the breakdown, how long do you think the wait would have been?


    I'm really thinking about going to the park at the end of June.

  2. Went to Sea World again on Monday because I'm housesitting for some family that lives in San Diego. The house is only about 6 miles from Sea World so I used my daily workout as an excuse to visit the park and brought my bike to bike there.


    I rode Manta twice more and did a circuit of the ride to see if any progress has been made in landscaping the dirt mounds under the second half of the ride. So far it still looks like there is nothing there, but I'm not sure they haven't done something.


    I wish I brought my camera to take a picture, but since I didn't I'll have to try to explain it. There are three types of ground cover back there, the valleys between the mounds are covered in gravel and the dirt closest to the fencing is now covered in mulch with tiny plants placed at regular intervals. The tops of the mounds look like they have been covered with some sort of thin layer of something which looks suspiciously like the brown fibers packed in with the lawn patch filler you can get at a nursery. This has me wondering if Sea World has seeded the mounds.

  3. I was always under the impression that they were going to use the old monorail tunnel for this new coaster, so the mountain part isn't really going to get in the way.


    A ride that uses both the Log Jammer and Deja Vu areas might just be record breaking in it's length. I could see it being a coaster that is launched through the tunnel, out to the Deja vu area, where it goes though a spaghetti bowl type of element groupings and then returns to the Log jammer area with a series of bunny hops and perhaps finishing with a helix.

  4. Well I had my first ride on Manta today, front and back, and was surprised to find quite a lot of airtime in it in both seats. The prelaunch video was working quite well and I didn't have any problem in seeing it before the launch doors opened.


    But the real reason why I'm posting in here is to congratulate the Sea World ride-ops. As you know the ride isn't super long, but they were running three trains with almost no stacking for as long as I was there.


    For someone used to SFMM this feat seemed miraculous to me.

  5. If if gets really bad, they might have to devote a row solely to fastpass, or maybe alternate dispatches with one train full of fastpasses and the next regular park goers.


    As it is I'm surprised that Premiere couldn't do a ride system similar to what S&S did with Powder Keg's launch. That way they could have one train in loading and one on the ride, using a transfer track system to exchange the two.

  6. Hmmm I like where you're going, but I don't really follow. How would the plastic ties be used?


    I was simply thinking you could create the clear plastic support structure to go under the top hat and attach it there with the plastic ties to test the idea. That way you don't have to use glue to see if it works and the ties might be inconspicuous enough to not ruin the aesthetic you are going for.




    Instead of heating plastic and bending it to shape (unless you are sure of your skill in that area), try a thin aluminum strip. You can find them at any large hardware store for $3 and they would probably be easier to bend to the shape you want.

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