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Posts posted by darklingscribe

  1. ^ I never heard of that before, but now that I think about it think I have some of that. When I feel attracted to someone the feeling isn't very strong and it can be sporadic. I've always been confused by my own sexual orientation which is why it took me so long to come out.

  2. I've never failed a class, but there were a few times where I was able to withdraw with no grade when I saw everything going south. (In a Filmmaking class all my 16mm film stock came back from the developing lab black with no image, turns out that the camera I borrowed from the college was bad. The teacher understood and let me withdraw because there was only a few weeks left in the semester and I couldn't make up the lost time)


    When was the last time you got a new pet?

  3. Yep, Sometimes the bottom slice of bread begins to dissolve from the sandwich juices and I'm left no choice but to turn the thing over to keep it from falling apart.


    Have you ever cooked a ton of food only to realize afterward you greatly overestimated your ability to eat it all before it goes bad?

  4. Even though I've only been out for a couple of months I have always tried to be nice and as accepting as I can be to everyone.


    I know that religion is a dirty word to some people, but that doesn't mean that some of the better ideas from religious texts should be ignored. The golden rule is still one of the best mottos to live by. "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself"

  5. After finally riding El Toro and Intimidator i305 this summer I still have to give the edge to Cyclops at Mount Olympus at the Dells. It is small for coaster which is perhaps why it's final drop is so goddamned surprising and scary. I can do nothing but hold on for dear life on Cyclops while I can keep my hands up for the entirety of El Toro and Intimidator and every other ride made by Intamin I've been on.


    Don't get me wrong, I love Intamin. I'm just trying to emphasize what a freak of nature Cyclops is. Made by CCI before they knew exactly how much was too much.

  6. Wow, a lot of people here have broken a ton of stuff.


    I think I might have broken my toe once on the metal track to a sliding glass door. I never got it x-rayed, doctor said it was pointless because the toe still looked straight and all they would be able to do is to strap it to my big toe to minimise movement. I lost my toenail and when it grew back it did so in two pieces.


    A decade plus later the toenail is whole again, but there is still a white line in it where the split used to be.


    A guy I met in college has the current record for most bones broken of anyone I met. He was in an ancient roman history class I took and at the time was in a cast becasue he had just shattered his ankle in a spiral fracture when playing rugby (he was tackled and spun 360 degrees with his foot remaining in the same position ) From Rugby and Football (aka Soccer, he was from Scotland) he had broken at least ten different bones. The worst he said he broke was when he was playing football and fell, hitting his chin on a sprinkler head. He bit though his tongue and broke his jaw. After healing from that he said he couldn't speak the same as he did before and actually lost some of his accent, this last fact was a sore point because he said he used to have the thickest accent of his entire family and was proud of it.


    Strange dude. He could describe every broken bone he had in detail and would do so at the slightest provocation.The type of person who treats their own scars as if they were medals.

  7. Well I was hoping to wait so I could put some distance between the current sad topic in this thread and this post, but this thread has remained quiet since the first of December.


    I'd just like to say I came out to my roommate, my Mom and my Sister this last Thanksgiving.


    I'm happy to say that it has become a non issue since then I I couldn't feel happier that is has.


    I wonder how long it will take for it to stop feeling weird to say I'm gay?

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