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Posts posted by darklingscribe

  1. Maybe I'm alone, but my expectations were so low for Full Throttle that I was actually pleasantly surprised by the ride design. The way I pictured the ride was a single launch through the tunnel, into the loop and top hat element then back to the station and the breaks.


    Yes it could have been more, but the announcement of Top Thrill Dragster way back in 2002 has taught me that in the amusement park industry it can always be less. Especially if it is cheaper and they think the ride will still draw the same crowds.

  2. Are the new Gold passes for next year available now?


    I was thinking of heading up to the park tomorrow because I have yet to get a ride on Lex Luther and I thought I might kill two birds with one stone and get gold pass while there.




    Just checked the website, they are available right now.


    Anyone want to pool up to take advantage of the 4 or more free upgrade to gold?

  3. If Cedar Fair is planning to improve food offerings I respectfully suggest they redo the recipe for their jams and jellies. I grow several types of berries in my garden and wanted to try their "famous" berries. I was going to buy some but then noticed that high fructose corn syrup was an ingredient, a substance I don't eat. See the film "King Corn" for details.


    I don't think Cedar Fair has any control over the Knott's grocery store product line. I think they are owned by Smucker.

  4. I wonder if the launch going to be something similar to Volcano. You know. A first launch, a long turn around maybe following the curve of the monorail, and then a second launch up into an element, in this case a loop.


    Can you imagine a loop big enough to perhaps put a circle around Superman right before Superman ascends the tower?


    Also I was wondering if any part of the new "items" will take advantage of the old Flashback area.

  5. I don't miss the old haunted castle at all. The new one is an improvement across the board. The only thing I liked about the old one was the design of the facade.


    I feel the same way about the Hurricane. I honestly think that I never had an outstanding ride on it and only rode it once each visit, not because I liked it very much, but just because it was there. The Sea Serpent is a better coaster than the Hurricane. Though I may be bias as I think I disliked the ride a little even from the beginning when it replaced the Jet Star before I was tall enough to ride my first Schwarzkopf.

  6. So is this new coaster basically in Whizzer's old footprint? From what I can tell it is, along with the Hometown Fun Machine area...right? I'm a lot more familiar with this park's Gurnee sibling, so the lack of railroad/Whizzer throws off my bearings a bit.


    With the renaissance that the Whizzer has had in Chicago, I do wonder how "the" decision maker in California feels about axing their ride back in the day? Was there similar outrage when they announced the CA version's removal, btw?


    Just going from the Whizzer's Wikipedia page, CGA's Whizzer had quite a few mechanical problems from the outset and then a kid died on it in 1980. My guess is that the ride had some ill will going towards it and probably was not too popular with he public, so when the ride was removed in 1988 there was no one there to stand up for it.


    I grew up in the bay area but was only 5 when the ride was removed and not yet tall enough to ride. I was wondering if Whitewater Falls (opened in 1990) uses some of the space Whizzer occupied.

  7. I was able to vist SFGAdv for the first time in my life on August 11th. Like any good coaster enthusiast I made a point of riding every coaster there. Bizarro was the biggest surprise for me, it is much better than Scream and it is one of the best coasters at the park. If you are complaining that this ride is getting the B&M rattle then what about Green Lantern which is so much worse?


    I remember riding Chang at SFKK and loving it as one of the best Standups B&M has ever done, but it has lost a lot more in the move to SFGAdv than I think Bizarro has in it's 13 years of operation.

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