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Everything posted by Rickrollercoaster

  1. http://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/2011/12/16/are-you-stephen-colbert-fan/ Love The Colbert Report, got some laughs for the night. On a side note, I can actually say, "I rode the Wildebeest with Santa Claus."
  2. OH! Paula! I finally remembered to ask! Is Thunderbird's track filled with sand to reduce noise?
  3. The past 4 opening days I've been too, we're not busy at all. I can officially say I was the first one to the gate for the 2014 season. I thought the Mammoth opening weekend was sure to be packed, but after I got off work that opening weekend, I high tailed it, (At a safe, respectful pace.) to Mammoth, and It was so empty I rode it a good 7 times. I LOVE Mammoth. However, I expect Thunderbird's opening day to be slightly more crowded. Not too bad, but a good 30-60 minute wait around noon.
  4. Now that's all behind us, we can as a group of enthusiasts and what not, get pumped for April! No negativity!
  5. I never once did get the chance to thank all you and kind of introduce myself, It's been a month. Thank you all users on here for being awesome. I was on a previous forum getting my up to date news on the 66daysatsea campaign, but I just couldn't stand their attitudes, egos, and arrogance. (You may know what site I'm talking about. I'm not naming them. They bashed me because I mentioned a Wing Coaster, and even LSM technology, can you believe it? Some experts they are. ) But they we're just so terrible to new members, and unpopular opinions. This website is amazing. Along with one other website that I'm a frequent user of, this website is probably my favorite. Every user here is friendly, and you all value each others opinons, whether they are different or not. This truly is THE website for The Coaster Enthusiast. So Robb, if you see this, Thank you. and everyone else, give yourself a pat on the back. Back to Thunderbird, I can't wait to see the Immelmann take shape. They're my favorite element in coaster design, so this coaster is absolute dream come true.
  6. Is it bad that I got my Disney Magic Band for December in Orange just because of Thunderbird?
  7. It could be the distance, but that building looks too narrow to be a storage building, and don't forget the station needs a loading area. Edit: Honestly, the distance is playing mind games with me. I have no idea if it's the station or the Storage.
  8. Me and my friends were thinking about doing that exact same thing yesterday but Kima Bay was closed, we were going to do it at Monsoon Lagoon (with a pepsi cup. ), but we didn't want to record a bunch of kids playing around in the background, and we didn't feel like using Holiday World's slide play structures for our ASL challenge. We're planning something crazier that I'm going to BUILD in my back yard. . It was so weird seeing them do that today, oh the irony! I'm so glad Holiday World did it, the friendliness towards the other parks is astounding while raising awareness for ASL. Just doing these challenges has raised over a million so far. Keep up the good work! and since we're on the subject of the ASL Awareness, here's the link to donate to the cause: http://www.alsa.org/ Just look for the red DONATE on the right side.
  9. Out of all the non-Disney parks in the world. (They'll always be my favorite. ) Holiday World is definitely the best around (In my opinion.) Love having such an amazing park, full of awesome people just down the road from me. And that TTD guy is a legend.
  10. Even the construction guys are friendly. A few weeks ago while riding the Voyage and I look over and see 3 guys pouring a footer, so I yelled and waved at them and they turn around and looked happy as can be for someone to notice them and I did it again on the trip back to the station. Moral if the story, always be courteous and friendly to employees, you never know if someone's having a bad day, and needs a little friendliness.
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