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Posts posted by Khat26

  1. I have a question to ask frequent Carowinds vistors....Have there been any stories of fatty walks of shame on Fury 325? I'm planning on heading down to Carowinds in June and have lost a considerable amount of weight this winter, possibly 20lbs. Last year, when I went to Busch Gardens for the first time, Apollo's Chariot was a pretty tight fit, but I got in, of course I was erring close to a possible 49 inches on my waist. I'm currently down to 44 and hope to be in the lower 40s by the time vacation rolls along.


    Need I be concerned, or not?


    I saw some pretty big people riding Fury. Didn't see any walks of shame. I sat next to a guy that was at least 6'4'', 320lb and he fit.

  2. ^Good thought about the crane - I bet you're right. I too would like to express my excitement about tomorrows announcement!!


    Also, why all the B&M hate?!?! I know they're no longer the *most* innovative but their rides are always solid and enjoyable - are we really that jaded? I for one will be happy with whatever they announce.


    Yes, we are jaded when it comes to B&Ms. There was a time when a B&M coaster meant a forceful coaster with a unique layout and great speed and even airtime. These days B&M delivers "safe" coasters that deliver consistently good experiences for all of the parks but coaster fans often find them underwhelming because there isn't anything new or exciting to them them when compared to how "cutting edge" they were back in the 90's.


    It isn't that B&Ms are bad coasters, because they most definitely aren't. They're just safe, almost simple when compared to the balls-to-the-wall craziness that fans have come to expect from Intamin Rocky Mountain Construction these days. The general public eats up new coasters from all makers, but yes, the fans often turn their noses up to B&Ms when they are announced because they feel that there is little about a new B&M that is unique or intense.


    While I'd be disappointed if it did end up a B&M, I'm still of the firm belief that a new B&M is better than nothing (or at least better than another Maurer Sohne in Orlando)... I'll ride it happily either way. And if it ended up being a B&M hyper like Goliath at La Ronde I'd frequent it often.



    I agree with everything you say but I believe B&M is going back to what made them popular with enthusiast. Fury 325 was a huge surprise to me. It was fast, felt out of control, and the airtime it did have is the best they've created, by far.


    I'm definitely an Intamin fanboy, but a Goliath clone from SFOG or La Ronde would be awesome. I just want the airtime moments from Fury times 10.

  3. Screamscape is reporting that you may want to get your last rides on thunder run before July. I can't understand why they would retrack the ride and then rip it down. Rumor is a water park expansion will take it's place. I hope this is not true.


    Thunder run is a unique ride as 1/2 is in one state, and the other 1/2 is in another.


    I think they're both in South Carolina. I'm not a local or anything but Thunder Road is pretty craptacular. That being said, I think Hurler should be scrapped immediately. What's with GCIs aging so horribly?


    I don't believe Hurler is a GCI.

    Correct. Its "International Coasters Inc."....who have only built the two Hurlers


    ^ My bad. I guess I should check rcdb more often. I can see why they only built two.

  4. Screamscape is reporting that you may want to get your last rides on thunder run before July. I can't understand why they would retrack the ride and then rip it down. Rumor is a water park expansion will take it's place. I hope this is not true.


    Thunder run is a unique ride as 1/2 is in one state, and the other 1/2 is in another.


    I think they're both in South Carolina. I'm not a local or anything but Thunder Road is pretty craptacular. That being said, I think Hurler should be scrapped immediately. What's with GCIs aging so horribly?

  5. Sorry for the double post.


    I thought I'd give the Cliff's notes version of a trip report.


    Afterburn: Nice snappy invert. Month is still my favorite. Afterburn comes in between the dragons and Alpengeist in my invert ratings.


    Nighthawk: Terrible. If I ever have a kidney stone, I'll come back and ride Nighthawk to jar it out.


    Vortex: Not bad, only because it was short. My second favorite after Georgia Scorcher.


    Hurler: Needs a RMC makeover.


    Thunder Road: Not terribly rough but very boring. No airtime at all.


    Goldrusher: Good mine ride. The tunnels added a nice touch.


    Intimidator: Fun ride. It has the floaty airtime you would expect from a B&M hyper. I wish the trims didn't grab so hard. I put it even with Diamondback.


    Fury 325: This coaster blew my expectations away. The first drop was awesome. The turns were fast and felt out of control. The turn around had weird sideways floater airtime. I'd put it on par with the best B&M hyper airtime. The first proper airtime hill was closer to ejector than floaty, as were the the last two. Overall, Fury is mostly about speed, which it does right. The airtime was an unexpected treat. I'd put it as my favorite giga coaster, just above MF and I305.


    Overall, Carowinds was a great park. I loved the atmosphere. Taste of the Carolinas was pretty sweet too. I'll try to post pictures soon.

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