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Everything posted by Wathell

  1. i think its going to be an exact replica of the coaster that kid made who won the $100,000 contest, lol, that $100,000 was a waste of money, i dont know about you but i made a sick dueling coaster that was actually one track, I SHOULD HAVE WON!!!! what ever, i love HP and what ever they get will be great,
  2. You are right, i actually started making this ride on my trip home from CP to NY.
  3. i don't care what anybody has to say about this coaster I thought that was great! keep up the good work!! cant wait for your next coaster!
  4. I pick out the name of this coaster by naming it after my dads awesome band! you can check them out at http://www.myspace.com/armadarockband & armadarockband.com & sonicbids.com/ARMADA enjoy! Armada.nltrack Enjoy!
  5. This has to be the best coaster i have ever built. The plans starteds in school on a piece of loose leaf and turned into this! Enjoy Grizzly.nltrack ENJOY!!!
  6. check it out! this is not an entry to the coaster contest that is going on at this moment. enjoy! wood coaster.nltrack enjoy!
  7. This coaster is a small, very compact B&M hyper, that even though its small, there are many elements you would find on a taller coaster. btw im adding a second and third attactment, which are another coaster that i made, one you may have seen it before, but now its complete and i have fix all the kinks. The other is a very unrealistic, but in my opinion a fun coaster. enjoy! blast_from_the_past_828.nltrack the newer version Diver.nltrack The hyper Opposite.nltrack the unrealistic
  8. steel dragon (according to rcdb.com) is 8133' 2" this is more than 8325' why you ask?
  9. the title of the post expains it all. check it out. enjoy btw , if this coaster was real, it would be the longest coaster in the world! Hyper 2.nltrack
  10. yeh, thanks for your time with the commets, at first there was a regular break run, but i a part of the coaster go under the station where the bricks are, and i couldnt figure out a way to get rid of the bricks so that it didnt look like the coaster was going threw them, so i decided to make the brake run a station and put a brake run coming down the last hill. i think this coaster may be not that smooth because i made it in the car ride upstate. i will redo some parts and add some scenery and landscape.
  11. tell me what you think so far! and what i can improve! most of the ride is custom supports! Hyper.nltrack
  12. check out this very new and improved coaster, im up to 1:10am in the morning on a school night, lol enjoy!!!!!!!!!! blast_from_the_past_828.nltrack
  13. thanks for the comment, i will certainly take them into consideration, btw what do you guys think about this ride i have made? http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34159
  14. New coaster i just made, took like 2 hours, i was to lazy to put lanscape, but the coaster is so unique you wont mind there is no landscape. lol enjoy, heres my favorite element! Blast From The Past.nltrack
  15. btw i fixed all the mess ups i had made in the first download, check it out its a great coaster.
  16. no i havent been there, have you checked out this lnk yet? www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34159
  17. hi! sry double post my answers on the next page, sry!
  18. beyonce - im a fat ugly biotch! lol hey check this out www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34159
  19. hey check this out www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34159
  20. before the lift hills are transfer tracks, i know it may confuse many but that how it gets it name. and the supports are a real pain, in this second downloadable link the supports are fixed. the thing is when there are so many supports the screen looks just like a screen of red and its very hard to see the ones you need to delete. by the way sorry for all who wanted to download and could not due to compression problems. enjoy ! Confused.nltrack
  21. Check out this new ride i made, it took me about 2 days to finish. enjoy Confused.rar
  22. in the faq section they have put, -Why Did Maverick’s Construction Start So Early? The early phase of Maverick’s construction began on October 31, 2005 with the removal of the White Water Landing flume ride. Steel erection began on July 18, 2006. The summer construction schedule will provide ample time for all facets of the project to be completed so that Maverick will open in May 2007. -What’s Going To Happen In The Tunnel? The 400-foot tunnel is Maverick’s surprise element, and once in the tunnel you will be faced with many flamingos! After completing the first-of-its-kind Twisted Horseshoe Roll, the train will slow down to a speed of 5 mph. From there, the train will be launched using linear synchronous motor technology and will reach speeds of 70 mph before rising over a 74-foot hill!
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