Honestly, I do not go to the tourist side of town anymore unless it's a very special occasion.. everything has gotten way too expensive.... and the whole charging you to park almost everywhere... I would not be surprised that the local clientele visiting the establishments has also been cut way back
I asked that very question during one of the West Coast Bash Q/A's and was told that they were having problems with people trying to "move" out of the way of the waterfalls and it was a Safety Issue as Guests were trying to stand up...
I think they are gone from theme parks now, but the Zierer Hexentanz flat ride was a lot of fun... used to be and Knotts Berry Farm and Mall of America... probably still in traveling mode though
I find it amazing how much ice is on the lower buildings, but not too bad on the tower structure or the rollercoaster...
can you imagine trying to walk on that stuff?