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CNYCoasterguy11 last won the day on October 25 2022

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  • Birthday 10/29/1988

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  1. Looks Like they Purchased new style Vekoma Trains, that's a big win for a smaller park in the chain.
  2. We were there Sunday as well, and I agree on the Comet, we rode 4th row and back row, and the back was definitely where it is at. Its better than years previous, can't really tell where they did any real track work other than the lift but its not too terribly rough to begin with. I would rank Bobcat third of the Gravity Groups I've done, just ahead of Wooden Warrior but behind both Wacky Taxi and Roar-a-Saurus. I just feel like the airtime is so much better on those models that are tight and compact than the more sprawling ones for some reason. Honestly though they are all very close and are great rides, although I may put Roar-a-Saurus a bit ahead of the pack. We get to ride that later in July so I will have a good comparison among most of them in the same season.
  3. Some have been saying the first weekend of June which would be the following week, that honestly seems generous but I do not know what kind of testing needs to be done before opening. It should be good to go by the end of school season though.
  4. Visited today for opening weekend and I have to say, easily one of the worst openings we have ever done. We've been coming for years and it's one of our home parks but we barely stayed more than 3 hours. Many major rides were not open. I expect the log flume and rapids to be open later but Condor, Eagles Flight, Pandemonium and the Comet were all closed for the day with no notices ahead. I knew Comet was getting some track work but most guests would have no idea. I also knew the Bobcat would not be ready which is understandable. However several other rides also broke down for significant issues (Flashback, Blizzard and Canyon Blaster broke a wheel off). Hopefully they can get their act together or they will lose a lot of business. I can't remember the last time so many rides were down or closed at one time.
  5. I think it works well for the area it is in, yes its the "Fest Area" but outside of the fest house there really isn't any theming to that. And with the Rapids ride getting an overhaul, it will fit in very nicely as they added more animal statues and Adirondack theming to it. This will look nice complementing that.
  6. Took our first trip of the year to the Lake, and while some things were good, others were not. First some good: -lines were very manageable, I love going here on a Sunday. Low crowds and generally no groups. Coasters have some waits due to one train ops, but at most it's 25-30 minutes. No real waits otherwise, Ride of steel even had minimal waits. - the park looked fresh in most spots, paint was good, areas cleaned up. Just a few spots looked kind of bad like where Heave Ho used to be. The kids area also needs a little TLC. - Predator and Mind Eraser were also running the best they have in a long time. Mind Eraser was actually tolerable with minimal head banging. Predator needs more Titan Track, I wasn't sure I would notice the difference but you really can, but honestly most of what hasn't been converted isn't too rough. I even considered a re-ride. Now the Bad: -Food is still slow and ridiculously over priced even for a big park. A walking Taco cost $14.99 and that's without a drink. Pretzels were over $8. The lines at some locations also were painfully slow. -The teen demographic at this park always seems rowdier than other area parks we visit, nothing the Park can really do but it seemed like any kind of chaperone policy doesn't exist (maybe it doesn't yet). Scores of teens walking around alone. -ive never seen this at an amusement park but for some reason Darien Lake thought those ridable animal scooters you see at the local mall would be a good idea in the park. A lot of people were riding them but you had to watch out as they did not care if they ran you over. Again lots of teens taking advantage of this, not a smart move as they really don't follow the rules well - Minor thing but we noticed Tantrum for whatever reason was only running one car and it severely impacted operations. Normal this ride gets a small line but moves efficiently. Now it slows to a crawl. Hopefully they haven't needed to cannibalize a car. that was our first trip and other than some snags with our "legacy" membership we had a good time and enjoyed the day more than the bad things bothered us.
  7. If they don't expand the waterpark into the current Parking lot and turn the mobile home park into a new lot then I would say turn the old lot in the back of the park into new expansion. They could create one large lot in the front and develop the older lot into more ride space. But it seems like they will be looking to expand the water park. I know when we visited last year the water park was packed, they had a line extending to the entrance of the park from the water park entrance just to get in and this was pretty much all day. So a water park expansion seems likely.
  8. So we took our kids to Dorney for the first time, and my first visit since 2013 for their Family Halloween bash. I remembered this park was nice but when visiting with our kids it was even better. It's more of a full day park since kids tend to slow you down and experience more than just the biggest coasters. The weather held out for us, it was cool but not freezing and the rain never came. Crowds were decent for a Sunday in October but lines were non-existent. The Peanuts Pumpkin Fest was great, they had lots of activities and games for the kids, and one of the best trick or treat setups we've done. They turned their cabanas into little houses to go door to door to. Much better than Sesame Place that we went to the day before. The kids also loved Planet Snoopy a very underrated kids section. Most of Dorney is underrated, and it's a shame Cedar Fair doesn't put more into this park, especially being in a big metro area. The major coasters are all solid and in good shape. Thunder hawk was fun and not to rough, just some bad trim brakes. Hydra was good but had a noticeable rattle that I don't recall from the last time. Possessed was fast and exciting but it sounds like it could be in need of some repairs, the launch section sounded bad. The stars were Talon and Steel Force, Talon is also very underrated and one of the better Inverts out there. It's got great pacing and intense inversions, the crew could be a little faster though. Steel Force was so much better than I remember, it's not top ten but better than many give it credit for. The back has a great first drop but the airtime is better in front, and less forceful when landing back on the seat. The mid course barely slowed down the train. Overall Dorney is a solid family park that gets overlooked in Pennsylvania with so many other more well known parks. If it were in an area with less competition it would be a star. I wish we lived closer to this than the couple of six flags we have. As for no lines ever I'm fine with that, it was good to see that hasn't changed over the years.
  9. Hit up Ride of Steel or Viper first, they are the only two that usually have a long line. Most head to RoS first so I usually go straight to Viper. It tends to be a slow line due to the ride being long and the manual restraints. Everything else should be short to no wait if any day but Saturday or a concert day
  10. Well I might as well give my predictions, not that they will be right but everyone else is so here we go: Demon-Scrapped, salvaged for parts for other Arrows in chain Grizzly-Scrapped, maybe sell the trains to someone who needs them Woodstock-Scrapped, parts salvaged for Cedar Point (can't see them selling such an old kiddie coaster) Patriot- Ironically saved, it's unique enough in the chain that it could fit at the smaller parks like WoF or Valley, even a replacement at Carowinds for Vortex or Carolina Cyclone Flight Deck- Most likely scrapped and salvaged, but possibly go to KD, can't see anyone else getting it Lucy's- Scrapped, Salvaged for parts/or if they feel could go to WoF or Valley if they need/want a newer kids coaster Pyscho Mouse-Scrapped, salvaged for parts especially since they no longer make them Goldstriker- Unfortunately scrapped, can't see them moving this one unless Cedar Point gets it but doubt it, can have parts salvaged. Railblazer- The real prize that could be moved, many parks could be in line, I would love a smaller park to get it as a "new" ride but wouldn't be surprised to see a Cedar Point or Wonderland snag this ride, every park is on the table Lots of flats could be moved to parks that need one as a way to open "new" rides on the cheap for years to come really. Delirium- CW or WoF Drop tower- Scrapped, older model, salvaged for parts for chains other models Orbit- Biggest park that doesn't have one already Tiki Twirl- MiA, most others have one and they could bill this as a "coaster" Mass Effect- Most likely scrapped, maybe go to Carowinds or KD, someone that still has an Action Theater Carousel- Scrapped, salvaged for parts, Its a nice one but most parks already have a classic carousel, maybe sold outside company Star Tower- Scrapped Sky Ride- Scrapped, parts sent to CP Valleyfair also may get that water park expansion sooner than later
  11. So took a visit to the park today and unfortunately it turned into a true Six Flags Day. Today showed me why I never visit parks on a Saturday, but it was our only chance on our trip to go. Luckily we have memberships so other than gas we didn't pay to get in or buy much else. First the Pros, the park looked pretty good compared to before the pandemic when we last visited, the DC universe area looked very nice (by Six Flags standards), the "Gotham City" section on the other hand still looks like a carnival. As for the rides Wicked Cyclone and Superman were running the best I could ever recall. Cyclone kept pace the entire ride, even the end lap. And Superman was like the ride of old, the bulky lap bars didn't hurt my legs like in years past. Now for the Cons and there were lots. First off were the crowds and I know it's not something the park can control, but they really ruined the day, this park is not really designed to handle massive crowds. We only got on four rides total since by Noon most lines were 30-40 minutes plus for the high capacity rides, and some like Pandemonium we're showing an hour and a half at times. Midways were packed and food lines were huge as well. This park also seems to draw in a rude, trashy crowd for some reason. We got so fed up with the crowds we left around 2 after only four rides. I'm not a people person but can usually tolerate crowds but this was ridiculous. As we left it was an endless drove of people still coming in. All in all the park would have been enjoyable had the crowds not been so massive and if we could, we would have opted for a different day. It's a nice park and we have had good days here. more than other parks this one should be avoided on a weekend, sort of like Hershey Park gets.
  12. When visiting my home park's page (Great Escape) they still advertise passes and memberships. they are now offering the Pay one price for the year but are still offering monthly payments. Not sure why the change in name but it looks to be essentially still just memberships. Now they just let you pay it all at once for 12 months. As long as I can keep paying my monthly rate for my family and get the same benefits as always, I don't care what they end up calling things.
  13. Just visited Legoland NY for the first time today, we decided to take in the Brick or Treat festivities (and the cooler weather) for our first visit to any Lego park. We opted to stay at the Legoland Hotel as well, which was very nice but overly priced for what's included. Other than a small play area and arcade that's about it until the summer and the pool opens. The park is great, it's clean and we'll manicured, eventually it will be even more beautiful. The biggest knock I have is the amount of excessive walking especially up and down hills. It's an easy park to navigate being it's a giant loop, but that also means some back tracking at times which is tough with the two large hills. Each section is well designed, sort of Disney on a budget, Better than a six Flags but maybe a step below a SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Lego city had tons of models to see and Lego Castle had the cool courtyard area and of course a castle. Ninjago was the weakest theme but had the great Ninjago ride. As for the rides themselves, there's nothing really spectacular but the best would be the Ninjago ride, The Factory Tour Ride and the Dragon Coaster. The Splash Battle looks fun, but it was far to cold for that. Most other rides are somewhat basic or more for just kids like the Driving School which is also cool but not for adults. The 4D cinema was very nice as well and one of the better ones we have done. The Tour ride was cool but pretty short compared to a Disney park. Food was actually quite good in the park, we opted for Smokey's BrickBQ after seeing some other reviews and that was a good choice. The Brisket was better than Busch Gardens Williamsburg we had earlier in the year and the sides were solid too. The seasonal treats were a little more pedestrian but not bad. The Hotel food was decent albeit over priced of course, however the dessert we had, a big piece of chocolate cake was awesome and tasty. Overall it's a great park and for the most part doable in a day, at least with the crowds being low, on a super busy day I can see needing a second day. Many rides have low capacity and can easily build long lines. Things like Ninjago, the Factory ride and Dragon have decent capacity, but Driving School and the small flats would take longer. We had minimal waits all day and the Dragon crew was especially fast and efficient, little to no stacking, impressive on a smaller family coaster. I say family coaster but near the back it's fairly forceful and fun even for adults. The Hotel while nice and convenient to the park is not necessary for a good visit. We opted to try it at least this time but probably wouldn't return due to the costs and lack of other things to do. It's a Disney priced hotel but with even less amenities. The rooms are nice and fairly spacious with a side for kids with Legos to play with and some cool decor. Nice at least once but not a repeat visit. I would have rather stayed at the indoor water park resort up the way to get way more bang for my buck. We will certainly be back to the park especially to see it grow and expand as we are only about 3 1/2 hours away in the Syracuse area. It's nice to have more options nearby especially one that is open longer into the season, and staffing does not appear to be an issue here, other than a couple attractions being closed, some for seasonal maintenance like the boat ride. Not sure if they will do a Christmas event as they only have a calendar going until the end of November. I also will try to post some pictures tomorrow after we visit for our second day.
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