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Everything posted by DarkRideNick

  1. WOW! So much detail! It looks amazing! I cant wait to get out there and see it!
  2. What do you think is the key component for a great theme park visit? Would it be Rides, Employees, Food, Shows or something else entirely? For me its a mix of rides & employees!
  3. My local park is Six Flags America (30 mins) but I often go to Hershey, Kings Dominion, and Six Flags Great Adventure (all about 2 hours away)
  4. Wild One is my favorite woodie of all time (tied with El Toro) ROAR! is fun too. A lot of people complain about it's roughness, but I like that . It's part of the charm
  5. I'm really excited for Apocalypse. It may be a recycled coaster, but its the better than no new ones.
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