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Everything posted by chillerfan

  1. Your LEAST favorite anything, such as: roller coaster song park youtube video person website word thing about parks pet Etc.
  2. Wildcat at Hershey park, or Mean Streak at Cedar Point
  3. there is only ONE coaster for this fourm... Batman and Robin: The Chiller. It beats Kingda Ka anyday. It was beast, but they had to DISMANTLE it because of a few problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! calm down calm down!
  4. My friend just landed his first kickflip today, and I am sick because I drank waaaaay to many smoothies!
  5. Hey thanks for telling me, I live pretty close, but after I rode it with the trimming brakes I was disappointed so I stopped researching it. Now that they're gone I'll probably go back to ride it!
  6. Dont get me wrong disney is one of my favorite parks, its totally awesome, and has an experience all of its own. I was just saying that magic kingdom doesnt have any rollercoasters that go upside down. It is their main park so I was saying they should add something like california screamin, rock n' rollercoaster, or space mountian (the one in Paris), not a B&M. Same for alot of their other parks. It would just make Disney better, its great as it is, but with one of those coasters it would be BETTER.
  7. I was wondering if anyone had some old pics or videos of the orient express at worlds of fun. All the videos I could find weren't the best, but a lot of the pics were.
  8. OK, I'm someone who you could call "CRAZED" for Batman and Robin: The Chiller! I want to be able to ride it again SO badly! Most people think its in a warehouse somewhere, but they are wrong ! It is on a farm a few miles away from SFGA. There was a fire there a few years ago and in the photo located below the chiller looks nice and shiny, but in a few years IT WONT! From what I hear Six Flags doesn't own it anymore, so it almost definitely will never come back to a Six Flags park. Hopefully it will open in another park sometime, but until then I want to make sure it doesn't rust beyond repair. I was wondering if someone else had any info on this whatsoever. On this post you can chat about the ride, its final location, and pretty much anything else that has something to do with this. There are some aerial photos of the farm here: http://www.flyinphilsphotos.com/amuse/nj/sfga/x-chiller/2009-01-04/album0.html , Here are the rest of the photos: Where the chiller sits rusting compared to SFGA there it is, the chiller ITSELF rusting in pieces a fireman with the chiller in the background
  9. Walt Disney Word: Add a looping coaster OF ANY SORT to magic kingdom, they need to add WAY more rollercoasters to all of their parks!!! All Six Flags Parks: MAKE THEM CLEANER (Add more trash cans, hire more janitors, etc.) Add more theming
  10. A place where you can put up any old or new promo videos for coasters, parks, etc.
  11. Intimidator 305 when it opened. it hurt your legs there was so much airtime, but they added trimming brakes which made it more mild.
  12. batman and robin the chiller by far, it made me so sad , i still cant get over it.
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