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Posts posted by Schotcher

  1. Doesn't really look a loop to me, too lopsided, and only has one side of supports on the top (Usually there are supports in the middle, Hmmm, it looks like if it's an Immelmann or a diver, the part before/after the half loop is inverted for too long. Hmmmm...also to me it kind of looks like it doesn't flip over for a while...but then again this is just concept art. But look how similar the supports are. Probably just me though.



  2. On SFMM's facebook talking about how Deja Vu is closing:

    they should take tatsu or ninja down. those r the worst rides there.
    1 second later
    and x2 is the best ride there for now til i ride the green lantern.


    Looks like someone has their mind set on GL as the best ride ever.


    Oh and this: (Still talking about Deja Vu leaving)


    The ride will NOT go away, it will just be closed due to maintnence checks, DeJa Vu will open early spring again.
  3. Hey, I would love it if they both got wing riders, but we really need a tall coaster at SFOG... Not like a hyper, but like most parks have really tall stand-ups , but ours is small... A wing rider is something we need...


    Trust me you don't want a tall standup. Your standup is just fine. Goliath is good too. You guys have what...4 Beemers? Be thankful for that, but if anything you guys need an Intamin Blitz.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, Intamin only uses one sided catwalks for their coasters. But it may be different with a wingrider. But definitely looks like a Beemer to me. And also, it looks like B&M box track, not Intamin (Intamin has holes in their coaster ) And I agree, I possibly a Beemer 4-D? The Sky is not the limit? Erm...just a stab in the dark here but it could means that even though most of the ride is in "The sky", another part is happening on the train, AKA 4-D.

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