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Posts posted by Schotcher

  1. Erm...airtime hill=airtime? (Airtime hill does not = tophat) It's basic physics.


    I don't think the term "airtime hill" has anything to do with physics. At all, actually. It's just a term. It's really just a 129-foot hill (RCDB even says so!)


    No no, I didn't mean airtime hill has anything to do with physics. I mean the hill's nature is to provide airtime.

  2. While I do agree that "Verbolten" may have some air on the bridge drop down to the Rhine, I highly doubt that the family attraction filling the void of BBW's demise is going to have better air than the B&M hyper across the river.


    Just because it's a family coaster doesn't mean it won't have air. It just means it won't be very intense and the height requirement is about 48". And we really never know, Zierer hasn't really provided a lot of coasters with large drops, so we don't really know what we might get. Airtime doesn't necessarily depend on the manufacturer, it also depends on what the park wants.


    EDIT: Well it does matter on the manufacturer, (B&M: Floater, Intamin: Ejector) but they could change that if they really wanted to.

  3. Just making sure I was clear. The airtime isn't noticeable (Mostly because you're locked in snug against the harness.) I had to test out the theory myself. The first time I rode, I thought, "Wow my arms are tired." And then I realized I was pulling myself down on the hill. My legs really hurt too, so I rode it again, but this time wasn't going to pull myself down. I eventually did because it hurt my legs so much more than when I pulled down on the harness. But anyway to get back on the track of CP, does Maverick really have a lot of air? Or only on the two airtime hills.

  4. ^ Maverick goes fast during that portion, no doubt, but it's definitely not that fast. I'd say more along the lines of 50-60, not 70+. The launch is 70, sure, but keep in mind the trims that directly proceed it, which have been there since day 1.


    Still pretty fast to go through an inversion, usually a lot slower, and also when it goes through the curved hill it's picking up a load of speed.

  5. ^^It's a price to pay for pushing the envelope. They reprofiled I305 because of the forces. As accurate computer programs can be they're not perfect.


    I completely understand the reasoning for removing the heartline but I still dream


    Doubt they just used computer programs, probably had some manually written calculations in there. If not I will never ride an Intamin ever again. (I'm fine with that anyways ).


    If you watch this video, it seems that the heartline roll was very abrupt, the transition from the banked track to the inversion was too fast, which would probably result in a g-force spike causing extremely intense and painful headbanging. If it worked, the roll would have made an incredible ride even better, but I really think Intamin made the right decision with this one.


    Intamin was an idiot to not double check their calculations before hand.

  7. Just wondering, do the lines vary during the day for the major rides or are they generally the same? And if they do when do the lines start to clear out?


    The lines for the majority of the rides in the morning are really short. (except for mind eraser, which I'd think most coaster enthusiasts wouldn't mind if the line was long, or even if the damn thing was closed ) The most I've waited for bizarro in the morning (its always my first ride) is 10-15 minutes.


    Batman is also very short in the morning and even in the afternoon, 10 minutes, tops.



    The lines are MUCH longer by the end of the day though


    Yeah, Mind Eraser was 30 minutes for some good ole' brain damage (Had to, I had never ridden an SLC before) and figured out how sketchy the ride is, the side wheels on the train are a good inch away from actually touching the track, and only touch the track if you turn. (Creepy right).

    Batman's line was good, no longer than 20 minutes, and a good ride, best floorless I've been on. And what's up with Bizarro? As said above, Bizarro never opens on time, but it didn't open till two. I went out and asked an employee about what was going on and she said "We dunno." Idiot employees are almost worst than the GP.


    The GP really are idiots too, my friend (GP) brought me on ME and Flashback, and he wanted to ride them multiple times. Thank goodness the rest of the group chose not to ride it again.The GP really doesn't know how to distinguish the best ride from the worst.

  8. Got back from Six Flags. I got christened by my first SLC and well, Vekoma coaster (it was horrible). Bizarro was, overrated to say the least. Only good coaster was really Batman: TDK. Coaster count:


    Pandemonium: 1 (Broke down late in the day)

    Batman: TDK: 2 (Wasn't working in the morning)

    Mind Eraser: 1

    Flashback: 1

    Bizarro: 1 (Overrated)

    Catwoman's whip: 1 (Epic win)

    GCG: 1 (Painful)

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