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Posts posted by Schotcher

  1. Well...what are going to be the many firsts? We only have one (Drop track), and BGW said "many". Fastest in the park? Not likely. We're missing something, and it's something big. BGW wouldn't wimp out and just say "First drop track in America, first drop track in BGW, first multi-launching coaster with a drop track", I think they mean what they say when it comes to "Many firsts."

  2. I don't see the point of theming it so much if you're flying by it at 80 mph. And I don't see where it would launch this fast, seeing as it would have to lose a lot of speed really fast, because the layout is so mini for 80 mph, and it doesn't look like it's rising higher than 100 feet. Also, I don't really find 80 mph as "Family friendly". But what if the "130 foot drop over the Rhine" is actually launched, and launches faster and quicker than the acceleration of gravity. That would be pretty cool. But probably not gonna happen.

  3. Are you trying to say that Six Flags New England isn't beautiful? I can back up alilstronger, Six Flags New England is a very beautiful park. There are many trees, very nice settings with the buildings, and you it didn't feel like everything was placed randomly. Everything was surrounded by trees, and there aren't any random empty fields ANYWHERE in the park. Yeah, I would consider that a beautiful Six Flags park. ESPECIALLY when compared to Six Flags America.


    There aren't any random empty fields because every place is filled with a ride. And does that include Bizarro? I consider Bizarro an empty field. It's a coaster, 2 tunnel and 3 cardboard buildings. And there really weren't many trees, no place to put them. They've done a lot since 7 years ago, but it's still not really scenic. (Except for the river.)

  4. I know this does not have anything to do with the current conversation going on but I wanted to share...


    I went to this park for the first time during the North East Trip and let me say this park was beautiful. It makes my home Six Flags (Six Flags America) look terrible. I only ran into one issue with staff - but that was just me thinking he was rude. Other than that if something broke down they had it moving right away again with little down time. The feel of the park was different than my SF as well - I mean that in a good way. The only thing I did not like was the layout. I prefer parks to be a circle and this one was more a "T" shape so we back tracked a lot going from ride to ride.


    Six Flags beautiful? If there was a 'Laughing so hard my stomach exploded' smilie face on here I'd use it now.

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