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Posts posted by Schotcher

  1. @ Trevs, Yeah what I meant to say was fit under the bridge top, but I just woke up and wasn't thinking right.


    Maybe, but that would ruin the bridge, because either it would have to be a very wide bridge (Rider Envelope), or a bridge formed to what the track does (Which would look ugly.) I think it would've been cool to do like a heart line roll through the bridge but yeah, like that's going to happen.

  2. Maybe this is just a ploy to give the kids something to do and while they're busy with that stuff, take down LNM and put in something new? That would be evilllll...


    I agree though, a flyer or a Wingrider would be magical across the Rhine. But it's not really something BGW needs. What they really need now is an S&S Screamin' Swing.


    And ^ it was in the form of a question. And there were no explanation points in the post whatsoever. And why would I be complaining if it doesn't effect me? Teehee

  3. @ Larrygator No that specific post was not a complaint, it was a question. I looked at the plans again and realized it's brilliant ride once I put two and two together, which was why I said I liked it more than I did before.


    But the 48" requirement baffles me. When I was young(er), my parents always complained about me wanting to ride BBW because it was so jerky. But maybe Zierer's making new trains just for Verbolten? There are a lot of variables, and it really comes down to what the company and the park can agree on. I would say that Cheetah Hunt has a 48" requirement, but they have 42" req for Scorpion. I hate to say it, but maybe Loch Ness Monster's just a ticking time bomb? I don't know, just a guess.

  4. EDIT: Proof that it's gravity powered until the straightaway to the event building; If you watch the announcement, the guy (dunno who he is) when announcing Verbolten says "You're going to take a right turn, and all of a sudden the gas pedals gonna hit."


    You leave the station, turn left go straight a bit, and then turn right, and ahead of you is the event building.

  5. No I'm not complaining again. I've gotten to like Verbolten much more than I did 24 hours ago . But I dunno, I'm just asking. After all it is the "Black Forest" and it is "Forbidden". And the leaked event building plan has a lot of stuff that could (possibly) frighten a young kid. But then again the plans are leaked (could be fake), and if they were real BGW could always change the plans.

  6. I'm actually kind of awe struck! There are rides that are one mile long that only last about two minutes, lift hill included. And yet this ride has a 3 min 25 second ride time at just 2,835 feet? That sounds pretty sweet. Somehow, I feel that the ride time isn't 100% accurate, they could include variables that I don't count, but it still sounds like a darn good replacement for BBW. Speaking of, I wonder if there will be any respectful references to BBW along the ride.


    The drop track will take a good chunk of time. Maybe it'll surpass Leviathan and attain the record for "World's longest brake run".

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