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Posts posted by edgeboy

  1. It always astounds me to see how simply rapids are created on river rapids rides. Has Knotts ever used theirs for Scary Farm maze? I think I heard tale of at least one Six Flags doing this.


    Yes, they have. I don't recall the name, but it was sort of Bigfoot-themed. The scares were pretty light, and riding at the end was optional. We actually did, and were a bit surprised that in the final tunnel of the rapids, they had a Bigfoot-character standing over you, and it would though a huge boulder at you (which was attached to a bungee cord). That was a cool highlight, but I'm sure not many people got to see it... it was mostly too cold for most people to justify riding a rapids ride at night in winter (this was before current global warming trends).

  2. My mistake, I thought you were talking about the 3D effect, not the dementor effect, and I agree I do hope that it makes it over here.


    We do have slight differences. In the first screen in Orlando, the dragon flies away. In Hollywood, he breathes fire on you.


    In the second screen, you see the snitch up close, and then a dementor up close. I don't believe either happen in Orlando.


    As far as I know, the third screen doesn't have any differences.


    I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong.


    Special events make tons of money. It isn't going anywhere unless a suitable replacement is built. It's a serviceable venue when needed for shows.



    Agreed. I used to work for some of those cheer/dance competitions they'd bring in, and it gets a TON of people into the parks that otherwise wouldn't be there, all with very little effort from the park itself. And you'd be surprised how often they host those events. In peak season (about March-May), it's almost at least one a week.


    I'm sure there must be others that know more, but I know the ending scene for This Is Spinal Tap was filmed there.


    And while not the Golden Bear, in the movie Rollercoaster, Sparks (huge 80s band) played in that tiny gazebo near the main entrance fountains.

  4. This sounds very similar to Creep and Alone, which I have both enjoyed. More dark, psychological, immersive theater intended to unsettle and confound rather than shock.


    I do also enjoy jump scares and gross outs, but it's just as much fun to enjoy other spectrums of fear. Some people are very, very disturbed by theses sorts of haunts, and others find them lacking. I think it depends on your expectations and personal comfort levels.

  5. I'm also disappointed with Suicide Squad. There seemed like there was some sort of "opening ceremony" show at 7pm, as there were huge crowds. But after waiting a long time, we essentially didn't see anything, and suddenly crowds dispersed. I guess some people saw something, but I certainly wasn't one of them! Then we just saw them posing in front of huge crowds. The worst part for us is that the projection mapping wasn't even working, and we waited around 20-30 minutes for it.


    I hate to say it, but I think they need to start charging high prices, just to keep some of the crowds down. Even Goldrusher had a line going down the ramp, and Scrambler had an over half full queue, which never really happens unless the park is just mobbed.

  6. I would argue that USH and USO Mummy attractions are not really that similar. In fact, they are quite different. It's pretty much universally thought that USO's Mummy is much, much better.


    That said, ours, while inferior, does have some perks, and is substantially different enough that I'd ride it even if I have done USO's. Just way, way lower your expectations.


    I also find Single Rider is pretty infrequent on Simpsons and Despicable Me (quite rare, in my experience... they only tend to do it if the lines are very long), but the Single Rider on Hippogriff is nearly always available. Just ask at Gate A, I've never had them turn me away.


    I do agree that Three Broomsticks is the best food in the park, but the food at Krusty is also quite good for a burger.

  7. ^I don't disagree, but the main problem is space. Non motion simulator rides require a lot of space, which is something that they don't have. When they do put in a roller coaster, it's like The Mummy, which everyone here complains about because it's too short. What do you expect?


    So pick your poison: a very short roller coaster, or yet another, but much longer and more immersive motion simulator experience?


    With some luck, we'll be getting a compromise with a long rumored SLOP dark ride.

  8. When I was there on Sunday, same thing happened. All three rides were down. Joker seemed to go down a lot, and Superman was going down a lot as well. V2 tested in the morning, but then didn't open until late afternoon.


    We got lucky to ride Joker at all. Saw it test before the park opened on Sunday, went to it. Wasn't open. Waited about an our (second group in line, and that's when we saw Superman broke about twice), finally opened it. We got on the first ride, made it to the final brake run, and it broke again. They didn't even load the 2nd train that was waiting in the station. Sat on the final brake run for maybe 10 minutes. However, they were super nice, and let us ride again for the inconvenience (we were on the unshaded brake run), so that was cool. But I felt a little bad for the people who had to wait extra long just board the next train... took them a while.


    I haven't heard of a recent RCM have this much trouble. I believe most have had occasional problems, but this one seems different somehow. Is this unusual? Even TC, while not always racing, seems to at least mostly be working.

  9. Excellent, especially that Flight of the Hippogriff has a secret single rider line.


    Any other rides that have hidden ones?


    When Minions first opened, they had a single-rider line that entered through the Gate A line. The team members would stand outside the entrance holding a single-rider sign, and they would send you down into the special line if you asked about it. I haven't seen it much since early 2015, but I also haven't been on a crowded day since.


    I'm glad to hear Hippogriff has a secret single-rider line. The one attraction I wish had one is the Simpsons ride. I'm not a huge Simpsons fan, but I do enjoy the attraction, so a way to ride without having to sit through an hour of Simpsons clips would be amazing.


    Yes, officially speaking, Minions did stop Single Rider right after it opened. I asked about it once not long after they took down the sign, and they said no. Granted, I've never asked since then, but I've never heard anything. Fortunately, though, the line is generally not too long.


    I also agree it'd be nice if Simpsons had a single rider. Especially with the way the ride is set up, I'd imagine there'd be quite a few empty seats to fill. I suppose the problem is where, exactly, do you have single riders go? There's not really any space for an extra queue, and I don't think the exit would work well either. Not to mention the fact there are 3 different possible levels to go to... I think the logistics of it make it not practical.

  10. Jeez, seeing all these stories about the problems with Joker is making me nervous. I'm driving up from LA to visit on Sunday primarily to ride Joker, and now I'm getting worried it could be difficult to even get on.


    So I should expect a delayed opening, one train, and possible extended closures? When it is running with one train, what's been the average wait time? Is it longer than Superman?

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