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Posts posted by edgeboy

  1. does anyone know if they will still have a single rider line? i haven't read anything about one. maybe you could get handed a dirty VR headset on the exit side.


    I've been wondering this myself ever since they first announced it'd be refurbished, and I'm still awaiting an answer myself. Does anyone know?


    Now that the VR's been added, I'm either thinking it won't be, or if it will, VR won't be an option for it. But that just my own suspicion... I have no real inside knowledge whatsoever.

  2. So I'm a local here to LA, but I just returned from a visit to Dallas, where I got to preview the VR on Shockwave. I have to say, I was also in the "very skeptical" category. I have no real interest in VR at all. But I have to say, I was very impressed. The timing with the ride is exquisite, and really enhances the experience. I had a total blast, and nearly can't imagine riding it without the VR.


    A few points, both good and bad:


    I was fortunate enough to ride it twice. The first time, I felt the quality of the graphics were fuzzy. When I rode the second time, they were much sharper (though still not HD quality, that's for sure). Which leads me to believe some headsets are better than others. If things look fuzzy, try to request a different one and see if it's any better.


    While I had the time of my life the first time, the second time did admittedly lose a bit of it's impact, since I knew what was coming up. The VR experience doesn't change. So it does remain to be seen how much repeat value this will have in the long run, unless they anticipate using different scenarios over time.


    It's also hard to say how much this will impact lines. Admittedly, we did have some slow dispatch times. But the wait was on the train, not at the station. And while you're on the train, you're already busy exploring the VR, so you don't really care so much. Plus, basically the entire train was using the VR, so there was more to check. I think here, previews aside, most will be a mix of some VR, some not.


    For the VR event (which was Season Passholder only), you went to the ride and were then given a return ticket. This ensured the line never got too long, and sure enough, there was never a wait at the station, which does allow for plenty of time for everyone to get their VR headset adjusted. Difficult to say if they'll be doing something similar here, either for the preview or beyond.


    Some here were guessing people would try to walk off with the headsets. They were collected before the restraints were released (and very quickly... that won't add much time), so I don't think that will become an issue.


    Lastly, I will say that the GP seemed to be having the time of their lives. They were screaming and laughing on the ride like I've never seen before. I think this will be a huge hit with most people.

  3. I traveled to SFOT from Los Angeles this past Sunday. Thanks for those who posted advice, much appreciated! So many times we ask for advice, and never get thanked later, so I thought I'd do so.


    I'd been to the park before, but TNTG was new to me, and I was happy to get to preview Shockwave/New Revolution! I was surprised to see that the line for TNTG was relatively short. I was really looking forward to this one, as it was one of the first Rocky Mountain coasters I remember hearing about... but having since ridden a few more (Goliath at SFGA, TC at SFMM), to a certain degree, I found it a bit disappointing.


    The biggest surprise for me was the VR! I was quite skeptical, but totally enjoyed it! And found the sounds of the GP, it sounded like it was a huge it. Really, I can hardly imagine riding without it, and I'm now looking very forward to TNR at SFMM when it arrives. Thought I am curious to see how the line moves once it's fully open to the public. I noticed they were handing out return times... will that be a new policy for the GP later on?


    On a random note, I went to Raising Caine's to eat (near Lincoln Square), and saw this vintage SFOT map in the hallway to the restrooms. That was pretty cool!


  4. Hey, I'll be visiting from out of town with an unusual situation. Due to my work schedule, I can only get to the park in the final hour (from about 5pm till close at 10pm) this Sunday. That seems to be the final day. Does the park generally empty out, or remain crowded?


    I've been to the park before, so I don't have to get on everything... but I've yet to ride TNTG or Justice League. Will the lines decrease as it gets later into the night on Sunday, or will they remain long all night? When do they close off the lines?

  5. So according to the report on this forum about the SFOG Dare Devil Dive VR,


    Loading shouldn't take *that* much longer because they will ask if the rider wants to use the headset in the station well before they get to ride, and if they don't, they proceed as normal, but if they do they will be taken to like a "staging area" where they will tell everyone how to use the gear, and give them to the rider. After that they will tell everyone to face forward to calibrate and then they are off!!


    For all who claimed that wait times would be a disaster, if ours does similar (and I've heard it will), shouldn't be much of a problem. Obviously execution can make or break it, but really, I can't see this method taking any longer than any other normal guest delay (putting items off to the side, not putting on seat belt, guests unable to decide who sits where when the air gates open, etc.).

  6. They do offer a shuttle service to Disney, $5 a person($2 for children under 9) unlimited all day, every 30 minutes. That's not too bad a deal. I'm not sure if there was a large enough plot of land near the main hotel area for them to build. Would there have been? Even if there were, I'm sure the price would've been pretty high.


    Since I don't have any kids, I don't really have any real reason to stay, but I am interested in visiting. And perhaps doing the Magic Quest. Is that open to anyone? Is it mostly geared just for kids, or can adults play it too?


    They are practically walking distance to a shopping mall with fast food, and the greatest store ever, US Toys. So it does have that convenience value. I can't argue other areas would've been better, but it could've been worse.

  7. I don't understand all this hate either. It's free and optional. Don't like it? Then don't do it, and be quiet. How difficult is that?

    The problem is, as several other members have posted before me, this will slow down ops for EVERYONE. Even if you choose not to wear the headset it will still take your train, and consequently the whole line, much more time to dispatch if half the riders are trying to fit a stupid goggles onto their face. People have a hard enough time with a damn seat belt on roller coasters; what I don't understand is how people like you don't see this capacity nightmare coming.


    And if you have seen other updates, it appears they will be pulling out the people who want to use the VR out of line, off to the side, fitting them separately well before boarding. Doesn't sound like much will be slowed down for others.


    When I first heard Forbidden Journey was going to have 3D, I totally though the ride boarding would be slowed. Turns out, there's no effect at all. They did have a plan, who knew? Would've never guessed it until I saw it in action for myself.


    Just because several people throw this opinion around doesn't make it an informed or correct one. And in all honesty, maybe I'll be the wrong one. Point is, unless you have already seen the future operations in action, we can only speculate, not know for certain. If you ask me to speculate, the line won't move any slower than it already does when you accommodate for Fast Lane, Single Riders, people who put items down to the side, forget to put on their seat belt, etc.

  8. I don't understand all this hate either. It's free and optional. Don't like it? Then don't do it, and be quiet. How difficult is that?


    Personally, it's not really my cup of tea, though I will try it at least once to see if I like it. But really, we seem to forget that amusement parks aren't just for the coaster nerds. I think this could possibly be a hit with the GP, and let's be frank... the GP is what pulls in the money and buzz in the larger world. Not everything is made to cater to the fanatics.


    And even if it's not a hit... it's not like they "destroyed" the ride or made a (relatively) large investment. In terms of a business move, I think it could actually pay off. If it does work, imagine all the possible scenarios that could play out over time... Santa's sleigh flight for the now very popular Holiday in the Park, for example, or maybe a Halloween overlay. The possibilities are endless, and would be a very easy way to keep drawing in crowds over a long period of time for a one time investment.

  9. Playland Not at the Beach In Oakland, CA, was an absolute blast. Very unique collection of carnival memorabilia, games, and all you can play pinball!


    Along similar lines, Musee Mechanique in San Fransisco, full of unusual vintage (as in, the early 1900s) arcade machines--and free admission to boot!


    In terms of just pinball, the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas is always a fun alternative to the strip!

  10. Last time I rode Scream, I was shocked at how awful it was in terms of roughness. Roughness and B&M don't usually go together, even for Six Flags, but this for me is now easily one of the worst B&M rides out there. I generally skip it, even if it's a walk on. I just can't enjoy it anymore. Which sucks, because it's the only ride (locally) with a dive loop, one of my favorite inversions. :/

  11. I also had a great time there yesterday. Even better for me personally, I wasn't able to get there until 2:30 due to my work schedule. But since they let people in at 3pm, it ended up being perfect!


    I feel that overall, it was being operated with very few kinks. Stores, TMs, and Ride Ops generally had an excellent sense of what to do, and the TMs acted as if they had been working there for weeks. My biggest worry will be the single rider line... when they used the overflow queue outside (as they seemed to be for most of the time), even single riders had to go through it before entering the castle. Which did not make it SR a "walk on" for us. I sort of hope that won't be the general policy as they move forward, but if they do, anticipate that possibly even single ride could have a wait.

  12. I've always enjoyed this park because for a small park, it's actually quite beautifully landscaped. Also, it has a lot of historical connections to Knott's. The train once ran at Knott's around what was then Jungle Island (same side as Independence Hall), and last I was there, still had the original designs on them. Also, aren't the old Tampico Tumblers/car ride still there? Another classic Knott's attraction that was relocated.

  13. I was actually literally the second GP person to ever ride Riptide. By chance, I happened to be in the park as they were finishing up the ride. I remember watching workmen actually drill the wood planks for the queue right in front of me! There were a lot of executives hanging around, so I stayed. They rode it once, then opened it up to the GP. I was in line already as the executives rode.


    Not necessarily my favorite flat by any means, but it's just pretty cool to say you were literally the first to ride anything.

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