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Posts posted by edgeboy

  1. I can also say that it appears the pre-show rooms would NOT be handled like Apocalypse. You would just go through them as part of the regular line to give you something to look at, not unlike the queue for Roger Rabbit at Disneyland.


    I'm not a fan of arm guards either, but you really don't notice them. I don't know if this is a "hands up" sort of ride anyway... the forces are much stronger than it looks from the ground. I overheard someone describe it as feeling a bit like the Zipper flat ride, and I'm inclined to agree--that's a good comparison. And I don't exactly do hands up on Zippers.


    And the clearance issue is with the station. It's very tight in there.


    So the two issues that everybody's complaining about are really non-issues. Now, the wait could be more valid. It was a bit slow, and each side can hold 4 at a time. It's tough to say how efficient the operation will be. It was certainly slow, but a large part of that was also accommodating various media. But once they get a groove, it may go by fairly quickly--as quickly as 4 at a time can get, anyway.


    "Pre-show" room 1


    "Pre-show" room 2


    The main entrance


    Don't you want to ride Wonder Woman? Er, at least her Lasso of Truth.


    The Flash ride entrance


    "The Fastest Man Alive"


    The Flash logo detail was added by late afternoon... they're still adding touches here and there


    Teen Titans pizza


    Souvenir stand. It opened later. Mostly stuff you've already seen, but there's a couple of new items.


    A phone booth with abandoned clothes. Clark Kent's? Actually, if you are a comics geek, there are a lot of details, including amusing trash cans of Plastic Man and Metal Man


    And it wouldn't be Magic Mountain in the morning without a gaggle of geese. Hope you liked my iPhone pics, at least it's better than nothing!

  2. Great time over all. The only thing that sucked for me is that Superman shut down their ERT an hour early due to the rain, right when I was one train away from riding.


    And I did find out that Goliath in the rain can be a painful thing.


    I did enjoy the Bite II walkthrough, though. And while I'm not attending today, I hope the weather holds out for the Knott's portion. It's pouring in the Valley right now, and I know Knott's doesn't handle the rain well.

  3. I also got to ride it today. Bummer it didn't open until 4ish, but that's what happens with tech rehearsals. But it was very worth it for me. I did get an edge seat, with the arm sling. It didn't bother my arm much, but almost no room for my hand! I would much rather have a middle seat, any row. This really seems like a hands up sort of ride!


    I did ride in the "front" (defined as the row where no one is in front of me going up the tower). That was fun, but I get the sense that the view isn't exactly going to be diminished by being in another row. When you go up the tower, your head naturally arcs up a bit to take in the view of the entire park, and to look at the tiny, tiny people far below you. The back row only has two seats, which will make that row a lot longer to load, so consider that if you're in line.


    Didn't particularly feel any significant airtime, but I was surprised by the speed you feel throughout the ride. It seems like you shoot out the tunnel on the horizontal stretch forever before going up the tower, and my face almost felt like those astronauts in the 50's wind tunnel test footage coming back down at the end.


    But I did enjoy the ride very much. It exceeded my expectations, and would totally wait in line to ride it again.


    I did hear employees say that they did slow down the ride a bit yesterday (Sunday), as the wet track from the rain the day before makes it go higher up the tower. Interesting that they calculate that sort of thing.

  4. I gotta admit, I still find the idea of normal size Chuckies funny rather then scary...I just don't get the logic in it. If you're gonna do Chucky, go all out, get animitronics and spread them out...have the scares come from human victims rather then over sized Cabbage Patch dolls.


    Actually, the Chuckies I saw were not normal size, but played by little people.


    I agree with the Terror Tram review... it was a bit hit and miss. There were large sections where there were no scare actors at all, and it's just not evolving much from year to year (with the exception of last year, when they extended the path).


    But I disagree about the mazes being identical... yes, the themes are identical, but the designs of the mazes seem vastly different from their previous incarnations. A couple of things are recycled, to be sure, but more seemed new than not.


    I was also a bit disappointed with the 1,000 Corpses maze. I thought the first third was pretty good, but the pacing seemed bogged down in the latter half, with many completely unthemed transitional hallways, and no real clarity of how a storyline was developing. I have seen the movie quite a while ago, but it seemed like the elements from the movie were shuffled around in a somewhat random order.


    They did okay with Vampyre, but since it's year round, there's no real surprise there. I think even the GP are beginning to figure it out--notice it's wait time compared to all the other mazes!


    I didn't make it to the Saw maze or Bill and Ted last night, but I hope to hit it tonight.

  5. I was in the park this morning, and there were no less that 13 (I counted) staff and technicians walking around the island and examining things. The only part I saw out was two crew moving a turret that has Murphy's claw attached... they were moving it out.


    It was an interesting morning in the park... from 8am - 11am, Matterhorn went down, Alice went down, Indy went down, and Space went down. And they were working on Murphy. There must have been some serious overtime there. (BTW, I do believe Matterhorn and Alice got back up. I left before I could see if Indy and Space did, but I imagine they did.)

  6. I went to the park yesterday, and didn't see anything out of the ordinary in the parking lots (though I wasn't exactly looking for anything, either... I got lazy and wasn't checking this thread until recently). There is a newly painted decorative tractor sitting in the Colossus lot. I know, I don't get it either.


    My points:


    Visited the new Studio 6F store, and saw them selling Christian merchandise. How long has that been going on? I am very respectful of people's religious views, but I'm not exactly thrilled to see any particular religion sold at a theme park, IMO.


    Also, the last two times I've been to the park, the Swashbuckler/Yo Yo hasn't been tilting. Is this a permanent new setting? Why doesn't it tilt anymore?


    I still cannot find the old Mr. Wizard's Castle mentioned in the original update. Can anyone tell me where it is?


    And yes, I too noticed they are selling lots of Bizzaro merch (at least shirts).


    The Christian shirts. It's hard to read here, but all the messages has a religious one printed somewhere... Jesus, save me! (And get me a better cell phone camera... I know it's a pretty crappy shot)

  7. So the Freestyle Coke machine is in the Studio 6F store? Wasn't that just souvenirs before? Are they selling food now, or something? Can you get food from across the way, but get your drink there? Just seems like odd placement to me. Also, are there any one Freestyle Coke machines there, or coming? Too bad no free refills. You gotta at least sample a couple of different things, that's the point!


    And BTW, where is the Wizard's Castle turret located? I've never seen that before!


    And I really can't figure out what all the excitement about even the possibility of Superman going backwards. Are people actually giddy about having their necks and heads snap forward with a launch? Although I admit I always thought from day one that it would be cool for it to launch forward, and (somehow--haven't worked this part out) have the car pivot around at the top so that when you dropped back down, you'd be facing straight down.

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