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Posts posted by edgeboy

  1. I've been on both Xcelerator (as Knott's is practically a home park), TTD quite often, and Kinda Ka. And for my money, Xcelerator is the most intense launch.


    My personal belief is that while it may not break 100mph, it does hit 80+ in a much, much shorter distance. And it's that shorter distance that makes it more intense to me.


    While I've never been on Dodonpra, I did get a couple of rides on Hypersonic back in the day, and based on my memory, it probably was a bit more intense than even Xcelerator. But I also think for a similar reason... the distance was very short, comparatively.

  2. I do still love an Enterprise. Paratroopers, Calypso, Space Rollers. Also Shake/Magnum, and I always manage to have a good time on Storm.





    Scat is also more intense than it looks.




    Fighter has a good "whip" effect.




    I've only been on it once, but I never forgot my ride on High Roller:




    There is a carnival that is in the middle of refurbishing perhaps the most legendary flat ride of all time: the Chance Turbo. Would love to finally get on one of these! Unbelievable to think that Belmont Park in San Diego had one of these operating.


  3. The Terror Tram has never included any of the normal Studio Tour attractions....


    Actually, they did include Fast & Furious for one weekend--I think the second weekend. I even got an email from Universal promoting it. However, apparently, it didn't work out (I heard trams were very backed up), so they stopped.


    And in past years, the Terror Tram did include a stop through the Mummy tunnel.

  4. You can't just "wait long enough" in a theme park and magically get to stick around.


    I almost don't know why not. Again, I'm not actually suggesting anyone actually try it--I've already bought and paid for my frequent fear pass. But that said, every time I've gone in with early entry, I feel like I'm seeing a ton of regular park guests all the way up to 6:30 and beyond, and I don't really see anyone stopping them or pushing them out. Granted, they clear out the areas around the scare zones. They hang out at the tables around the plaza (just outside the scare zones), the stores, or are going up/down the escalators. I've also seen people just hanging around the bathrooms outside the Animal Actors stage, and, well, just about any seating area.


    It's entirely possible the park is being diligent about getting them out, but I've really yet to witness it. That's why I'm asking, to see if anyone else has witnessed it. To me, it seems like a regular park guest could find themselves at HHN without much difficulty. And if that's the case, it seems like something management would need to address.

  5. I've visited HHN about 4 times thanks to my Frequent Fear Pass, and I've been using early entry nearly every time. While I do enjoy the system of giving out wristbands and letting HHN guests mingle as the regular guests exit, it seems like it'd be a recipe for abuse. I mean, it appears that if you just had a regular admission, and waited long enough, you could find yourself in HHN without much effort (they stop checking wristbands at 7pm). Are they experiencing any of these problems, or do the problems outweigh the benefits of much easier crowd management of HHN guests?


    I'm not suggesting this as an idea, but at the same time, if it is causing any sort of problems, it makes me wonder how it could be addressed later on.


    I'm also curious if anyone has heard any feedback about the Jabbawockeez show, and if it's getting positive guest response. Whenever I pass by the stage, the queue seems pretty full, so I'm guessing it's drawing in people.

  6. I'm surprised no one's mentioned this (unless I missed it from earlier pages), but staff at Twisted Colossus have said they are no longer doing the Single Rider line anymore for the rest of the year. It was even removed from their signage, so I'm guessing it's a permanent decision. Anyone know why?


    I visited the park briefly this morning. When I left at 11:30am, every single lane was full to get into the parking lot. The entire length of X2, even going down the hill was nearly gridlocked. Guess it's going to be crowded later!

  7. I was there both days. Enjoyed it a lot, despite not being able to get in to the HHN panel. I was actually the most entertained by the Queen Mary panel, the Ringmaster was hilarious!


    Did you not do the Alone experience? I did it for my first time this year, and even managed to do it twice. Probably not for everyone (no gore or scares, just "unsettling"), but I rather liked it.


    I do think that while they definitely have a few kinks to work out at they continue to grow an expand, it was an overall good weekend. The new venue was a big improvement. Next time, I wish there could be more entrance points to the vendor floor and mini mazes. The mini maze area still felt cramped. Maybe that should all just be next door?


    They also need more clarity on the Fear Freak/Student Scare passes... we were under the impression that as long as we were at a panel 15 minutes before the show, we'd get in. We got at the HHN panel 20 minutes before, and were told that 1) they had already let in the FF/SS people, 2) they were already letting in the GP, and we were SOL unless there was space after all the GP were in. Turned out there wasn't. That kinda sucked. And we weren't the only people with this problem, there were about 15-20 other people in our same boat that were equally upset.


    Oh, and there's probably not much they can do about this, but it seemed like there weren't enough bathrooms. Surprising for a convention center.

  8. ^That is all very helpful information, thanks so much! Bummer about Condor... those things are getting harder to get on.


    It's especially helpful to know there's some Gold Pass Early Entry, and a walkback to Goliath. That's more than what SFMM does, where you're lucky to just get in 10 minutes early, period. Since I think I'm likely to end up Friday morning, I'm keeping all that in mind.

  9. I'm headed out this way for a work trip. Fortunately, I've been to the park recently and have been on all the rides, even got a few rides on Goliath, so this is sort of a bonus visit. Unfortunately, my hours are very limited, so a few tips would be appreciated.


    Since my hours are so short, I'm not going to get a Flashpass because I can only be in the park for a few hours. But I don't feel compelled to hit every ride.


    Which would be better: visiting on Monday, July 20 from about 3-8pm, or Friday, July 24 from opening til noon? I do have a Gold Season Pass... do they get admitted early? I'd rather go Friday morning, it does fit my work schedule better.


    Do any rides other than Goliath and Superman have single rider? Are those SRL's generally always open for the summer? Do they tend to go quick? More interested in the Goliath SRL, don't need Superman (we got Tatsu here at SFMM, lol).


    I can skip: Superman, Raging Bull, Batman, Demon, Vertical Velocity. Been on all those plenty, or their clones. Can take or leave Viper.


    Oddly, I almost want to prioritize the unusual flat rides, in order of importance: Condor, Fiddler's Fling, Ricochet, Revolution/Frisbee, Triple Play and maybe Orbit (I'm just a sucker for an Enterprise). Coasters to ride if I can would be: Goliath, X Flight, Whizzer, American Eagle, Dark Knight. I'm not expecting to hit everything on this list given the very short time I have, but any advice would be helpful, especially SRL and any early entry Gold Pass if it's done. I'm kinda hoping X flight has an SRL, but I've not heard anyone mention one.

  10. Going back to older topics, the parks with the worst operations I have ever experienced are Elitch Gardens and SFA. Way, way worse than SFMM at their worst.


    And while I'm happy Swashbuckler is open again... we waited over a year for a Yo Yo that still doesn't tilt? Why is it so difficult for SFMM to get a Yo Yo to operate fully? I can only imagine this was an intentional decision, but I have no idea why. It used to tilt for years.

  11. went and got a couple rides in on TC and saw the fireworks. great show, except when they played the final announcement thank you about 5 minutes in. lol


    it was good with a lot of shots fired, but compared to disneyland, sorry, but it pales in comparison. no real surprise there. i don't think i've watched any kind of fireworks there since mystic lake was there.


    Let's remember that Disneyland's fireworks are pretty much the best in the world. Years of near nightly practice and a big budget does that. It makes us think that all fireworks should be synchronized and timed. But if you see fireworks pretty much anywhere else in the country (other amusement parks, city fireworks shows), they're all much like what SFMM did. It's like comparing a Broadway show to a local high school production and saying "it pales in comparison". Well, duh.


    I am with you about them playing the closing announcement mid-way through. That was odd.


    On a separate note, can I rant about Swashbuckler... after all this time, I waited for a Yo-Yo that still doesn't tilt???? Really? Is it that hard to have a Yo-Yo tilt? What am I missing here?

  12. Twisted Colossus broke down twice while we were in line, plus someone barfed, so what should've been a 30 min wait ended up an hour. We dueled on both sides though


    Yeah, I've only been in the park twice since it opened, but TC has broken down 3 times in just those two visits. They do seem to get it back up. I certainly understand "new ride" breakdowns can be frequent as they streamline operations, but these seem a bit more than that. Has anyone heard of any specific issue?


    They also need to get a test seat out there ASAP. Both times I've ridden, they've had issues fitting larger riders that ultimately they did not allow to ride. It really slows down the loading, and it would be a waste of time for the poor rider who waited all that time to only be told they can't get on.


    I am surprised that they do seem to be dueling more than I expected, have been doing 3 trains, and have the single rider line open.

  13. I got to ride this in the Baseball and Boardwalk days in Orlando, when it was still called Wiener Looping. I will never forget the combo lap bar and (at that time) 3 point harness, as well as the fact that the train is already twisted in the station, with the front end leaning to the right, and the back end leaning to the left. Made boarding pretty unique.


    My memory seems to recall it was a bit bumpy, but fun.

  14. I went my one and only time about 3 years ago. Had a great time, although Valhalla was closed during my visit. And it was pre-Wallace and Gromit.


    Was surprised at what the rest of the area around it was like... a strange mix of college town, cheap Las Vegas, boardwalk vibe, touristy, seedy and yet still family friendly (for the most part). Lots of apparent partying in the area, though.

  15. I actually got to ride Weiner Looping at Circus World/Baseball & Boardwalk. I was quite young at the time, but was amazed to see that the train was already twisted at the boarding platform... the front half of the train inclined a bit to one side, and the rear of the train, the other way. It was wild. Also at the time, there was a lap bar as well as a three point harness for each seat. I felt like a test pilot. Which should have probably scared me a bit on reflection. Although I remember the ride being rough, it was oddly enjoyable to my much younger self. Perhaps I'd have a different reaction if I rode it today, though.

  16. I agree, it is a very underrated park. I really enjoyed myself quite a bit when I've been there. Nicely landscaped, and a good selection of rides. Air Race was more fun than I thought it'd be, although it certainly takes a long time to load.


    I also liked the vaguely racist signs around Samuri, and some of the shirts the city of Salt Lake sells.



  17. I was actually just there for my first time about a month ago. Fortunately for me, Storm Chaser was running. I've been on the original at Knott's before it was removed, and in a strange way, this one is a bit more physically intense due to the smaller circumference.


    I may be in the minority, but while I wouldn't call The Dragon good, I didn't think it was as bad as most people made out. Personally, I thought the worst part of the ride in terms of roughness were the bunny hills right out of the station. Compared to that, the loops and helix were not as bad. Maybe it's because my expectations were so low for the ride, I was "pleasantly" surprised it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But I can't deny that it sounds awful, though.


    I do have to agree it was a very pretty park, and a good mix of themeing, flat rides, and gardens/ponds/scenery. The employees are very friendly, and being Iowa, many of them are retired seniors. In fact, I'm pretty sure the entire staff on Storm Chaser when I rode were over 60, if not more.


    I personally wasn't as impressed by the food, but there are a lot of fast food options just outside the park (and you are allowed to leave and return as long as you show your receipt), as well as a Casino/Racetrack next door that offers a buffet. Didn't get to try it, but it's a good option to know about.


    Oh, and the best/most unusual thing about that park, IMO... they hold Bingo games right on their Main Street. Bingo rules!

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