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Everything posted by johncolon91

  1. All I can say is the Original Poster takes the cake by far. That is some of the weirdest stuff I've ever seen. I mean, that guy put his cock and iguana on your head and then you held his gator. WTF do you do with a gator in New York? Take it for walks in Central Park?
  2. Although it would not be 212ft, an Intamin Megalite would look purrty in that area.
  3. I wouldn't mind if they just retracked Thunderhawk or if they just got rid of the stupid thing since it only ever runs one train and build a GCI, GG, or any other good woodie. They should get rid of the swan boats too cause the water was looking mighty nasty.
  4. ^ I haven't noticed anything that would point to a new coaster, though I didn't actually walk down where the ex-Laser site is, I only say from the ferris wheel and the train. I would be happy if they just painted Steel Force and Thunderhawk for next year. The ex-Laser site is still empty, but as you said would have made sense to put Demon Drop there so its not right next to the S&S tower. Maybe they'll add another kiddie coaster to the ex-Laser site since they have Kids Cove or whatever its called right there. Yesterday I noticed a lot, and I mean a LOT of boxes marked with the different Halloween attractions on them when riding the Zephyr train. Also, all of the walk through Halloween attractions were built/set up throughout the park. They had Asylum, Club Dead(i think it was called that), HMH(some hotel) as well as one just to the left of the Steel Force entrance in the field. I've never gone to Dorney for the Halloween Haunt but it looks like it will be terrific and very well themed.
  5. Yesterday the family and I decided to go to Dorney before my brothers go back to school. Its been years since they have gone and the first time they were tall enough for the "big boy" rides. We got to the park around 12:30 and luckily got a parking spot right in the front. Upon arrival, Possessed was closed as was White Water Landing, though they kept testing WWL on and off. Later in the day both were up and running. We played a bunch of games and one an XL Domo and a Large Domo. All of my Domo pictures and some others that were taking disappeared off my camera when I went to upload them. Most of the photos I have left were from the ferris wheel. My only complaints for Dorney is that both Thunderhawk and Steel Force need new paint...bad. Also, after riding Possessed we all had splitting headaches. Talon did not have, as far as I could tell, the trim before the Immelmann on which is a plus, but Thunderhawk had the one after the first bunny hill on which killed the rest of the bunny hills which is a huge minus. Ride Count: Talon 2x Hydra 1x Steel Force 2x Possessed 1x White Water Landing 1x (unacceptable amount of wetness) Thunder Canyon 1x (also, unacceptable amount of wetness) Thunder Creek Mountain 1x (acceptable amount of wetness) Woodstock Express 1x Zephyr Train 1x Thunderhawk 1x Apollo 1x Demon Drop 1x Dominator 1x on each red & green Wild Mouse 1x Ferris Wheel 1x Hang Time 1x Meteor 1x Sea Dragon 1x Wave Swinger 1x And to the photos, hope you enjoy: Talon's queue around 12:30 Talon's queue around 7:00 "You will be possessed in 3, 2, 1" (Swooshhhhh) Possessed looks well...possessed Justin's shoes were still soaked so he wanted to air dry his feet a little. I was the only one ready. Where's Hydra? There it is! The best coaster in the park. Hydra has plenty of "twisties." The newest member of Dorney's great thrill ride line up.
  6. ^ Thank you. I tried finding those pictures on facebook but couldn't seem to find the correct facebook page.
  7. Any word on the deconstruction of GASM or arrival of any Chang pieces? I'm curious as to how the new addition will add to that section.
  8. I ended up getting a hotel in Norfolk, Va for July 9th thru 12th that way I can also make a trip to Virginia Beach. I won't be able to go to Busch Monday the 12th so what are weekend crowds like vs. Friday crowds (if not the same)?
  9. I have checked out hotwire but I'm not a fan that they don't tell you the name or exact address of the hotel. There is a hotel on there though for $53 a night and a 3 star rating. It is in the Newport News/Williamsburg Intl. Airport area. Anyone know if that is an okay area and if its in close proximity to Busch Gardens?
  10. I'm trying to plan a last minute trip to BGW for July 12th and 13th. Does anyone have any suggestions for hotels near the area that are cheap? I'm on a tight budget and don't really want to spend any more than $70 a night. Also, what are crowds like for a summer Monday and Tuesday at BGW? I haven't been there in 6 years or so and I'm really looking forward to my first credits on Alpehngeist and Griffon.
  11. I may be missing it, but where do you see Chang in that commercial? I see B: TR 4 seconds in and that is the only yellow coaster I see. I'm not sure if I'm missing something.
  12. ^^ Sounds about right. All the Wackey Worm needs to do is hit a body to valley.
  13. I couldn't agree more. I feel like I'm going to be flung out everytime.
  14. ^ Great find with the video. I saw that the train was stopped mid circuit. Is that where it hit the guy or where they decided to shut it down? If so it looks like there is something fishy if he was in the center of the ride while it was operating. If it was at the station thats more understandable but in the middle of the circuit....just sounds odd.
  15. I have been on I305 pre-trims and thought it was crazy fast and "intense" but wasn't a fan of the s-curves. My girlfriend who rode with me really did not like the s-curves either and had a hard time bracing herself for them. How do the new restraints + trims compare to old restraints + no trims? Do they help you "prepare" for those intense "twisties" or are they resting so close to your neck that you really need no preparation at all?
  16. I thought the same thing for a second but having a tunnel under the train in Spain made more sense.
  17. I wish we were given the reason for why he decided to cross the tracks when the train was coming but it could have been something as stupid as a dare from a friend. Part of the problem is carnies have almost no training and I don't think they have very extensive training on safety compared to amusement parks. I don't know whether or not to feel bad for the guy since there has not been any official word on why he would walk in front of the coaster filled with passengers.
  18. If GASM does in fact close and is torn down, I would really like to see Chang come to GAdv. Wouldn't that make it the only Standup in the northeast? Yes I think GAdv would have an overload of Beemers but if you go by % you could say the same about BGW. Also, if Chang does come and is placed in GASM's spot, that could free up some of the crowds for S: UF. If none of that happens and they stick with the 5D attraction, some new theming in Movietown and the Boardwalk would be nice. Maybe they'll finally get rid of the base of the old Space Shuttle that can still be seen when you exit GASM
  19. Its a shame to see that all of these accidents with Intamin rides seem to be due to the restraint system. That's probably why we will not be seeing lap bars on I305 due to the pure intensity of the ride on those s-curves. Yes, the restraints may be tight on the thighs and somewhat uncomfortable, but after all the problems with Intamin rides due to a restraint, I don't think they have a choice and can't be too careful on this. However, I think the new black "soft" straps will be a nice addition if they do in fact cut down on neck chopping.
  20. ^ I hear ya. 2 years ago I went the same day as the free Boys Like Girls, Metro Station etc concert that was being held in Northern Star Arena and when the concert started it was still packed because they let more and more people in the gates even though the arena was filled so everyone who couldn't get into the concert rode the rides. Everything seemed to have at least an hour long wait. I ending up sending a complaint to Six Flags because of how poorly the operations were that day. All I was able to ride the whole time of the concert was GASM which had the shortest wait. You couldn't even walk over to Medusa (now Bizarro) because of how crowded Frontier Adventures. Hopefully its better this go around since there is a limited number of tickets and it is an upcharge however there will be 2 arenas used for the concert(s).
  21. ^ I would hope they will be retracking Hurler since that its the least fun to ride in the park IMO. Rebel Yell felt the way a classic woodie should and wasn't really rough as it was clackity. Hurler was closed when I went this season though so I can't comment how its running this season but it wasn't very fun last season especially around the turns. I can't tell you how many times I've been hit in the face by the rider next to me.
  22. I thought about Hershey but its a little bit of a drive (I'm in Lansdale) but I do want to go since I have not been on Great Bear, Fahrenheit, Stormrunner or the two woodies over in Hershey. I have not been there since the addition of the boardwalk or Fahrenheit. Any idea on their rain policies? How are the lines at Hershey since the addition of the boardwalk and Fahrenheit?
  23. I know what you mean with storms clearing out parks. I went to GAdv last year on the last weekend before Fright Fest and it was gray and nasty all day which kept crowds to a minimum. I have ridden every coaster at GAdv but they never seem to get dull. I didn't know CF had that rain policy but is definitely nice to know. I would also like to see El Toro's wrap since I haven't been there this year to see all the crazy Ads. What should crowds be like in the park even with the Bamboozle Road Show being an upcharge?
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