I went on a Sunday three weeks ago (the place was full but I followed a good strategy) its true about Comet getting packed right away and I can also tell you Farenheight will have a line right away, I was there for gate opening and ran straight to it and line was bad. (One thing people forget is that people that stay at Hershey Resorts get in an hour early) Skipped it and went straight to Storm Runner just hang a right, just shy of where Farenheight is located. This ride was a walk on first thing in most rows. I only had to wait two trains for the front seat. From there I cut through the Boardwalk to get to the back of the park, hit up Lightning Racer, again a walk on. Coming back got on Wildcat, walk on. Checked out Farenheight while passing line was still long. Went to the other corner of the park hit up Great Bear. The Walked down to Super Dooper Looper also a walk on. The line for Farenheight moves slow but the best chance I saw for a shorter line was around the 4pm time frame, just before that I hot up Comet which was better than it had been most of the day with lines. All other coasters had long lines after the 5-7 range.
Rules of the road.
Comet will be bad first thing and in the evening, hit up in between this period.
Farenheight will have a long slow line most of the day, coaster junkies head here at park opening and after people started leaving the boardwalk it was also getting full. So its sort of the Comet strategy, advantage here is that where its located you will be walking past it a lot on the way to other coasters, if you see a line thats accpetable jump on it.
Storm Runner gets overlook somehow and the lines never got extreme from what I saw, again first thing is my advice.
Lightning Racer and Great Bear try to make these your 2nd and 3rd coasters perhaps throwing in Wildcat in between, the walk between the two sucks though, opposite ends.
Super Dooper Looper is almost always a walk on or very short line. So hit up whenever.
Sidewinder- I do not go on (painful memory), so I couldn't tell you.
Trailblazer- family Coaster- popular with kiddies watch for when shows let out this is when lines do get up there for it.
Roller Soaker- Looked packed at all times and didn't look worth it to me.