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Posts posted by PriestofSyrinx

  1. I just cant see anything but a B&M go in at BG.


    Unless B&M came up with something revolutionary (For example Breaking 300 ft, or a Hyper Looper with Clam Shell restraints), make me wonder if it will be just another Hyper like Itimidator or Apollo's Chariot.


    If it is Intamin, then it should be an Accelerator, one that would best Maverick...


    But I really want that Hyper Looper....

  2. ^ Really? Having been to almost all of the major China parks I can't think of any of them that aren't almost totally flat.


    Well looking at the pics of some china parks and the possibilities of future ones that have hilly terrain. Overall, the place is quite hilly...


    I'd like to know what pictures you are looking at? What parks?


    Im not saying any current parks, Im saying about parks that have yet to be announced, somewhere in the Beijing area if I remember correctly from the Olympics, that was quite hilly in some places. This could be concept art for a future park...

  3. ^^^^ From what I have gathered over the years is that the twisty, airtime filled coasters of today were sparked by a little park putting in a great ride at a cheap(er) price.


    Think how many wooden coasters that you ride and love today were made after 1995/1996. CCI is responsible (in my opinion) for the wooden coaster renaissance of sorts. CCI and GCI have built a plethora of good quality wooden coasters for the past 10-15 years, even sparking Intamin and S&S to get into the Wooden Coaster Business as well. I dont think Son Of Beast would have been built, if it was not for this renewal of wooden coasters.


    CCI had only built 7 coasters before they built the Raven, then parks started to take notice, and soon many small parks started building these new wooden coasters (Michigan's Adventure & Lake Compounce come to mind). And GCI would not even exist. Or Gravity Group.


    I just think that if it were not for the Raven's success, I would have never heard of Holiday World, Michigan's Adventure, Lake Compounce, Mt. Olympus, Waldameer Park. Nor do I think there would be El Toro, Thunderhead, Shivering Timbers, Boulder Dash, Balder, The Voyage, Hades, or ,yes, even Prowler!


    But this is my own opinion...

  4. ^ Really? Having been to almost all of the major China parks I can't think of any of them that aren't almost totally flat.


    Well looking at the pics of some china parks and the possibilities of future ones that have hilly terrain. Overall, the place is quite hilly...


    Wishful thinking...Ghost Town in the Sky!


    Thats really wishful thinking


    But that would be quite nice, a major coaster like this could save the park, for comparison The Raven at Holiday World.


    Think about it, would you have even heard of Holiday World if it was not for The Raven.


    Heck I dont think we would even be discussing GCI's future plans if it were not for The Raven...

  5. Hate it when the girl you like already knows youre gonna ask her to prom due to her ex boyfriend finds out that you are asking her to prom and starts spreading it like wildfire, a week before you even ask her!!!!!!!


    I dont know how this is gonna end...

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