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Mr. Starr

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Everything posted by Mr. Starr

  1. I enjoyed TDKR. There were a few character developments and such that could have been improved but as the overall trilogy ending I thought it was great.
  2. Great to see UOR adding more of what they need. Interested to see full layout plans and how they're connecting this to the rest of the resort. Now we just need a Sound Stage 44 and Potter announcement Edit: A 2014 opening with a rumored 2014 Potter 2.0 opening would make a pretty big year for the resort.
  3. Okay, the dueling with Superman looks awesome. Very curious to see how long most of these effects will last.
  4. Mid-June SFGAm started hinting that a 2013 announcement was coming soon, maybe they're going for early announcements this year to boost season pass sales for 2013?
  5. Exciting news! That explain why they started construction so early, should be interesting once testing starts.
  6. Alright so I'll be making a one day stop at CP Saturday, July 28th (open to close) and was wondering what my plan of attack should be. I know multiple days are preferred, but I can really only manage one day right now. We're definitely picking up Fast Lane, and staying on-site, so any other tips would be helpful. Thanks!
  7. Really excited to see how much the resort is going to change over the next 2-3 years. Now that DCA is done I need something new to follow
  8. The main changes from Neutron to Despicable Me were the new HD projection system, renovation of the theater, and the addition of a new preshow room (there's two total now, helping with the line flow problems that Neutron had). I've heard only positive reviews, it's great to see something new for the younger crowd.
  9. Really? X-Flight just opened and we're already back to the Blue Fire and GCI jokes?
  10. Which tour did you guys do this time? I'm looking into one for a late July trip to NYC and was just wondering what your opinion was on each of the tours (ie. bus vs. walking).
  11. Another great report, yesterday was a great day at the park! I'm glad we got to see X-Flight test too, it looks awesome.
  12. So awesome! I really can't wait for the 12th. All of the little touches are amazing!
  13. It appears the free admission part has yet to be confirmed, and the park clearly stated on Twitter that the only thing that has been confirmed is that "Eddie and Jobo" will be live at the park on the 16th. Twitter
  14. Awesome report! When I first went to AK, it felt very small, but the amount of theming and attractions really made up for it. It's also nice that it doesn't really have to be a "full day" park, and you're able to see most of it in a few hours.
  15. Yeah, there's usually something added to the inline roll supports to draw attention to them as you ride. X-Flight looks great so far
  16. I'll agree that it doesn't blend well and is pretty bland, but the Studios were definitely missing some form of nighttime show, and I think this show filled the most basic requirements. Besides, they've got Potter 2.0 to worry about!
  17. Awesome report, I love the Magic Kingdom. Although it's kind of sad to see the old Barnstormer go, the updated version looks great!
  18. Awesome picture! It also looks like the queue will be going through the keyhole, should make for some great pictures!
  19. Looks like they're going to start with small movements (i.e., moving the train from the station back to the brake run) first before they do a full circuit test. The park also mentioned on Twitter that the trains will have the covers shown in the concept art.
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