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  1. Like any minimum wage earning teenager cares about some silly non-disclosure agreement. I was working on x2 at magic mountain when it crashed last summer, they did a good job at covering that mess up.
  2. I'm just saying that if you think this is the extent of the wall street crash, you're wrong. It's not a good idea to buy any stocks right now, no matter how low it is.
  3. Actually, I did. Longer than two weeks ago. See post, dated Aug. 16, 2008: "...we have one of the worst economies in the history of the US. We are in a recession, the value of the dollar is plummeting, gas prices are skyrocketing, and a depression like we have never seen before is looming over us..." More or less, the point was made. Had anyone asked me if investing in the stock market was a good idea, even a year ago, I would have offered the same advice.
  4. SELL! SELL! SELL! Now is not the time to investing in the stock market. It's about to CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! A long with the economy itself. Don't expect recovery for a while. thanks Einstein - making that call 2 weeks ago would have been a great move.
  5. Look at the first train. It's half way out the station. The amount of force to move a train of that size, that far, would be a lot. Whatever the case may be, the ride is currently operating.
  6. The video somewhat proves it. Notice the panic of everyone. Employees would never let crowds of people roam like that, unless of course such an uncontrolled event did happen. Analyze the video, notice the placement of the trains. I knew video of this would eventually hit the internet.
  7. On another note, has anyone seen this? A "9/11 Tribute" played at the RNC, which served only to throw fear into the political discourse and frighten voters. Absolutely new low for the GOP, shameful. Here's a video with their eerie, and sickening video, and comments by Keith Olbermann speaking up for all of us at the sickening images exploited for political gain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDx80bnFrVs
  8. It's not a religious debate. But let me just post what I PMd to CTU, which addresses why Palin's behavior is unconstitutional. The constitution, you must understand is a very literal document. So when someone makes a decision that directly interferes with the constitution (such as extorting a librarian to censor literature, or interfering with church and state separation) it's very clear. It's not a liberal or conservative issue, it's a constitutional issue. And Sarah Palin's beliefs and past actions are clearly unconstitutional. As far as the books she wanted to ban, the titles haven't been released. It is clear though, that she did want to ban certain literature from a library, which is absolutely inexcusable in any circumstance. It doesn't matter what the book is. With that said, I do believe this was a good discussion on Palin, and how her past decisions may affect all of us in the future. This was never a religious discussion. Food for thought. And anyone can jump in with their opinion at any time.
  9. I don't understand why we would have to continue our discussion privately? Surely our discussion as it relates to the presidential election is valid and within the bounds of this thread's original purpose.
  10. My argument didn't have as much to do with religion, as it had to do with Palin's intrusion on our constitutional rights. Please re-read. Now the question is, How do you feel about Sarah Palin's blatant disregard for the Constitution and our rights? In addition, I was also trying to illustrate Palin's tendency to make irrational decisions because of her beliefs. Oh, and how exactly did the librarian show disrespect for "authority"? By refusing to ban a piece of literature? I applaud the librarian for sticking up for her rights, because at least she realizes that forcing censorship is illegal. Should Sarah Palin be fired because of her disrespect for the constitution? Let me know what you think, because I think you're missing the big picture.
  11. So you support creationism (ie: religion) being taught in schools as opposed to the more widely accepted scientific alternative? You support going against keeping church and state separate, and instead doing something entirely unconstitutional? You support the banning of books with inappropriate language from libraries (ie: censorship), an action so primitive that is completely unconceivable today. She even opposes educating teens on sex issues. Really? We want to elect a lady who threatened to fire a librarian if she didn't ban choice books? What year are we living in? This same lady referred to the Iraq War as a "task from god" and asked people to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it "God's will." It's time to get real people. Now she may sound great to someone who is religious with the same views, but any practical person knows we don't need someone who has so much faith in an invisible force to lead our country in the same way. Her decisions show that she is an extremist. And she will make irrational decisions if she believes it is right (ie: above). Remember, keeping church and state separate is a constitutional issue. Freedom of press is a constitutional issue. She has done everything to show that she will make decisions that are unconstitutional. I won't let this nut intrude on my life or lifestyle because of her own personal beliefs.
  12. Palin recently said that the war in Iraq is "God's task." She's even admitted she hasn't thought about the war much—just last year she was quoted saying, "I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq." Palin has actively sought the support of the fringe Alaska Independence Party. Six months ago, Palin told members of the group—who advocate for a vote on secession from the union—to "keep up the good work" and "wished the party luck on what she called its 'inspiring convention.'" Palin wants to teach creationism in public schools. She hasn't made clear whether she thinks evolution is a fact. Palin doesn't believe that humans contribute to global warming. Speaking about climate change, she said, "I'm not one though who would attribute it to being manmade." Palin has close ties to Big Oil. Her inauguration was even sponsored by BP. Palin is extremely anti-choice. She doesn't even support abortion in the case of rape or incest. Palin opposes comprehensive sex-ed in public schools. She's said she will only support abstinence-only approaches. As mayor, Palin tried to ban books from the library. Palin asked the library how she might go about banning books because some had inappropriate language in them—shocking the librarian, Mary Ellen Baker. According to Time, "news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor." She DID support the Bridge to Nowhere (before she opposed it). Palin claimed that she said "thanks, but no thanks" to the infamous Bridge to Nowhere. But in 2006, Palin supported the project repeatedly, saying that Alaska should take advantage of earmarks "while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist." Between McCain and this religious extremist dummy, my head is spinning. Are these nuts really this close to taking control of our country?
  13. Always a classic, great ride and will be missed by many and remembered in the hearts of everyone.
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