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Everything posted by ShaunZer

  1. X2 or Eejanaika 4th Dimensional coaster?
  2. Looks like integrated rides are becoming the in thing now. Possible better utilization of space and real estate, as well as saving costs to have multiple rides sharing one superstructure.
  3. yes, genting is a really old park, with the exception of the indoor rides, the park really has nothing much to brag about in terms of it's coasters for thrill seekers. Did you stay at the first world hotel in Genting? it may be one of the biggest, but one of the worst hotels there. The smaller surrounding hotels there are much better if you prefer a better quieter place to appreciate the highlands, though, you won't get a shopping arcade right at your doorstep.
  4. I am from Singapore and I visited the Berjaya cosmo park quite a few times over the last few years as it's within about a 4 hour bus ride from Singapore to KL, Malaysia. I can say that the indoor coaster is real smooth and one of the better few indoor intamins. Besides the food around town too, cosmo is definately one of the few places to check out if you are around South east asia for a visit. The sunway lagoon park is rather disappointing though, there had not been much developments in the park since the early 90s when it opened and when I last visited. The mine coaster actually had few casualties (such as people flying off the ride), so it's really toned down alot since then. packfanlv, did you visit the Genting highlands and theme park? its not too far off from KL in Pahang, Malaysia. They have an outdoor park with a simple corkscrew coaster together with a zeppelin flying coaster, the rest are indoor in a place they call "first world plaza". For those who want to see more of Genting highlands and a video of some POV of the coasters, I have an old video compiled from one of my trips, I believe I have a short POV of the berjaya intamin near the end of the video if I am not wrong, together with a photo album as well: Video of my trip Photo Gallery Things will be really cool back here in Singapore when our integrated resorts and universal studios get completed here sometime in 2010.
  5. greetings ladies and gents, please pull down your air filled over head restraints and velcro them tightly...down there... no not that way acer joe...
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