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Everything posted by cooliocody12

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2kb6nvx4Mg Just a little recreation I made, I thought it was pretty good.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYve5yq4VEw I recorded the testing on the webcam.
  3. Youre in luck with Kingda Ka, it's supposed to be open by the end of August is what the park has told me.
  4. I rode the front and while the air was better on the first two hills by a bit, that doesn't beat the incredible whiplash drop in the back and same goes for the twister finale and the hill over rolling thunder.
  5. This is a thread discussing which gives a better ride. The back, or front of El Toro. I'd say the back seat for the first drop, the whiplash feeling on all the drops and the insane airtime you get on the hill over Rolling Thunder.
  6. ^ Me too. That airtime is insane in the back seat. You feel you're whole body whipped back and then slammed into the restraint.
  7. ^Same thing happened when Behemoth was being built. Job posting for people working at heights of 320 feet. It only means, working on cranes and things of a that height.
  8. ^Don't worry Im travelling with my family. Thanks guys. Does anyone know if there is a chance of getting on KK while i'm there? Has it opened even sporadically since it broke?
  9. I wish it would open for my trip this weekend. But seems like its not going to. In the time it's been down has it opened for a while at all?
  10. I need Advice on which rides restaurants and hotels are the best at Six Flags Great Adventure. Im planning a trip and will be going in a few days. I'm aware that Kingda Ka is down But Whatever, still got El Toro. Any advice would be appreciated.
  11. Lol if KK isn't open when I go, the whole time I'll be staring at it waiting for it to start running:P.
  12. Im going August 12th or so. I really hope KK is up by then!
  13. I emailed a representative a week ago and they said it should be up and running in about 2 weeks.
  14. If your wife bought the bag and never used it she should probably start using it then shouldn't she. The truth is plastic bags require alot of oil and energy to make for such a wasteful one use outcome. The new Green bags are used thousands and thousands of times before being thrown out and that cuts down on demand for plastic ones which means less are produced which means less oil and energy is used to produce the bags...they are quite effective. If used properly... And to get on topic Behemoths line is always really quick, they're always pushing to get the line moving. Even for the most popular ride in the park it has less of a line than Top Gun and other rides with bad capacities.
  15. Heres my rollercoaster blog which coincides with my roller coaster youtube account of the same name. Check it out it will be updated with opinions, construction and other stuff from no limits to POv's. Mod Edit: From the Site's TOS you agreed to when you signed up...
  16. TTD is themed, not heavily though.It has facts about dragsters in the queue, the lights at the launch, the dragster themed cars, and the stadiums, the real dragster in the midway, the sounds before your launch of the roaring engines, this is the typical CF theming IMO.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/RollerCoastersUnited http://www.youtube.com/omfg567 Those were intro videos. Just trying to give you guys some rollercoaster videos for your own entertainment. Take em or leave em.
  18. First of all these coaster channels have videos of no limits rollercoasters among other things, second of all it's not a crime to show people youtube channels where they can be entertained.
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