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Everything posted by CCJared

  1. Well i am in still, i'll give james some competition! And one question, does it have to be 70* or Can it be more?
  2. http://www.zshare.net/download/2250802031abd8/ Download those formulas, there Reds. They Work really well and are available for sownload once again, thanks to Tired over on CS.com
  3. Well if you click here:http://www.nolimitsdevcenter.net/pageid-3.html You can get it!
  4. Well on my Vista Laptop i got 50-60fps and it runs a 256 ATI Radeon woth 512mb Ram and a 2.3 sempron, which is old, so it hardly lags at all, with all the objects optimised fo Low Poliness!
  5. Yep thats right, its a 3ds file. Any one got anything else they want to say or ask?
  6. i reccomened a Stealth Clone to Chessington, that would really pack in the crowds!!
  7. My first coaster was a proper thrill ride in those days. It was the Vamire, when it had the bat cars and iits original Proper tunnel, those were the days then they went and ruined it all with Vekoma Trains! That Tunnel used to rock. I was 5 when i first rode a coaster and that was it one coaster credit then 17 now including the RCCA Jewl at Terre Mitica Park Magnos Collossus!!!
  8. Well as some of yo may or may not know, i have been working on a detalied recreation in NoLimits of Rita queen of speed. And i thought i would update you guys on progress. Well here it is http://www.NoLimitsDevCenter.net/p3311 'll edit the Writing and Stuff Later with Pics, in a hurry at the moment, going to theme park! Heres the Coaster:
  9. You Said it. I was wondering if you would be able to do me one with The Alton Towers Logo, being Surrounded by The parks coasters And Water Rides, Cheers if you can.
  10. I Recommened you go here for Scenery and Music and well all sorts, it might be helpful. http://neton.rct-net.de/download.php
  11. Ok we have the environment required to view this ride corectly at the bottem the POV and the Photos, ENJOY!! Poseidon's Fury.wmv POV The Large Lift Pretty Well themed area! Who wants to play operator? Loading Dock! Lift Pic More Trains Train Just After the Boomerang thingy Mass Signage The really cool Themed Station Helixy Bits The Train thundering down the first drop The Boomerang Thingy The Ride covers the ares Skyline The new Greek themed area Environment.zip THe REQUIRED ENVIRONMENT FILES
  12. I Think Intamin puller another Maverick, bloody Train Stress!
  13. As a matter of fact OC 2 is in the beta phase and is being tested for glitches by JackFrahn of CoasterSims.com, don't believe me, ask Boris the Fich or SFNERules, they'll back me up and according to jack tia *MIGHT* be updating the CK with the new track styles.
  14. Try merging the Fog lines, shown here with those in the Stary Night Environment. You need to do this in Notepad BTW. sim.fog.enabled=true sim.fog.red=0 sim.fog.green=0 sim.fog.blue=0 sim.fog.density=0.0075 sim.sky.gradient.top.red = 0.7 sim.sky.gradient.top.green = 0.7 sim.sky.gradient.top.blue = 0.7 sim.sky.gradient.horz.red = 0.7 sim.sky.gradient.horz.green = 0.7 sim.sky.gradient.horz.blue = 0.7 That should work, but be sure to delete the other FOg info in the Document, and save as .env!
  15. To register any of Tia's, tools you have to buy them, this includes the object creator. But they are no longer available for purchase, so you'll just have to wait for Object Creator 2 and maybe even constuction kit 2 if she is doing one.
  16. Well he looks like a kid ocmpared to your videos, i suppose he has neither the equipment nor the skill of holding the camera, unlike you. Your POV footage is sooooooooooooo much better.
  17. Make sure that your computer has the right drivers, becasue that caused me problems. Vista is brilliant, i like it better than XP, everyone will say the same soon enough!
  18. So i ahve got til when ever to complete rita, an i was hoping for some quiet holidays. You Guys think you can Beat This?
  19. I'm done, but i'm just checking everything first before i show it off.
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