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Everything posted by sre

  1. What a joyful season.... My target/victim has received my shipment... And I received an unexpected box from Amazon.... I wonder what it could be!!!!! Magical box that appeared on my doorstep Darn.... another box full of air.... Amazon has already sent me enough air for the next year or so!!! Cool Stuff..... Thanks 1pizza14!!!!! (Eric)
  2. To my Secret Sender... I have been told that a package has arrived... I will open it and get pictures up as soon as I return to the proper zip code... hopefully tomorrow!!!! Thanks!!!!! To my recipient... The shipment is in the wonderful world of USPS... but not showing up on the tracker, so I'm guessing it has not even seen a truck yet!!! It will get there!!!
  3. 75% of items are "on hand".... getting wrapped up while waiting of the final piece of the puzzle... This should be shipped to the intended victim by the deadline!!!!
  4. Last three years were fun.... It's going to be tough to top last year!!! Let's do it again! Silly and Strange toys and gadgets Anything odd or off-the-wall The weirder the better!!! 80's movies and cartoons Shirt size XL Coasters and Thrill Rides and Park Stuff Hockey (NHL CAPS and AHL Hershey) TPR stuff and Legos CocaCola stuff
  5. Great TR and it sounds like quite the ride!!!! Congrats on completing the whole thing!!!!
  6. I know my receiver get their package (both tracking and a posting on here).... but no reaction or response or pictures...
  7. Got mine last week... (kinda, the elves received it last week... I got it a bit later) Mine was sent out late by the elves as well, but iShip tracking shows it should be delivered by/on Wednesday! (crosses fingers) What could this be??? Who could this be from??? Initial peek inside!!!! Looking good so far!!! My Secret Santa did an Awesome job!!!! Thanks!!!!
  8. Last two years were fun.... Let's do it again! 80's movies and cartoons 70's - 80's music Shirt size XL Thrill Rides TPR stuff and Legos CocaCola stuff Silly and Strange toys and gadgets Anything odd or off-the-wall
  9. I am happy to know that my gift has been received at the other end of the postal system! Now I'm hoping that the rest of the boxes all make it to their destinations this week!!!
  10. To my Secret Santa..... You Rock!!!!! The LEGO filled coke bottles are an awesome touch!!! Thanks, and merry ChrisHanKwansivus!!!!!! A crate full of fun!!!
  11. RANK THE FOLLOWING RIDING SENSATIONS <-LEAVE THIS LINE AS IS Abrupt Airtime_____________________________,y,y,2 Floating Airtime___________________________,y,y,1 Lateral Forces_____________________________,y,y,6 Out of Control Feeling/Directional Changes_,y,y,5 Positive G's/Loops_________________________,y,y,4 Sensation of Speed_________________________,y,y,3 COASTER NAME PARK LOC <--Please leave this My Favorite Steel Anypark Anywhere **,y,y,1 Grt Am Scrm Mach SFoG GA,y,y,5 Georgia Cyclone SFoG GA,y,y,2 American Eagle SFGAm IL,y,n,7 Little Dipper SFGAm IL,y,n,8 Viper SFGAm IL,y,n,4 The Legend Holiday World IN,y,n,6 Raven Holiday World IN,y,n,7 The Voyage Holiday World IN,y,n,8 Roar SF America MD,y,y,6 Wild One SF America MD,y,y,6 Hurler Carowinds NC,y,n,8 Woodstock Express Carowinds NC,y,n,7 Thunder Road Carowinds NC,y,n,3 Yankee Cannonball Canobie Lake Park NH,y,n,6 El Toro SFGAd NJ,y,n,1 Rolling Thunder SFGAd NJ,y,n,4 Cyclone Luna Park NY,y,n,4 Predator Darien Lake NY,y,n,6 Blue Streak Cedar Point OH,y,y,4 Mean Streak Cedar Point OH,y,y,1 Big Dipper (SBNO) Geauga Lake OH,y,n,7 Racer Kings Island OH,y,n,7 Woodstock Express Kings Island OH,y,n,8 The Beast Kings Island OH,y,n,5 Son of Beast (SBNO) Kings Island OH,y,n,5 Blue Streak Conneaut Lake Park PA,y,n,6 Thunderhawk Dorney Park PA,y,n,7 Kingdom Coaster Dutch Wonderland PA,y,n,9 Comet Hersheypark PA,y,y,4 Lightning Racer - L Hersheypark PA,y,y,1 Lightning Racer - T Hersheypark PA,y,y,4 Wildcat Hersheypark PA,y,y,6 Rollo Coaster Idlewild PA,y,y,7 Jack Rabbit Kennywood PA,y,y,8 Thunderbolt Kennywood PA,y,y,6 Racer Kennywood PA,y,y,4 Phoenix Knoebel's PA,y,y,3 Twister Knoebel's PA,y,y,6 Leap the Dips Lakemont PA,y,n,7 Skyliner Lakemont PA,y,n,8 Comet Waldameer PA,y,n,5 Ravine Flyer II Waldameer PA,y,n,7 Thunderhead Dollywood TN,y,y,5 Hurler Kings Dominion VA,y,y,8 Rebel Yell Kings Dominion VA,y,y,1 Ghoster Coaster Kings Dominion VA,y,y,4 The Grizzly Kings Dominion VA,y,y,4 Big Dipper Camden Park WV,y,n,4 Lil' Dipper Camden Park WV,y,n,7 Wodan TimburCoaster Europa Park DE,y,n,5 El Toro Freizeitpark Plohn DE,y,n,4 Colossos Heide Park DE,y,n,4 The Bandit Movie Park DE,y,n,6 Mammut Tripsdrill DE,y,n,8 Rutschebanen Bakken DK,y,n,6 Falken Farup Sommerland DK,y,n,7 Rutschebanen Tivoli Gardens DK,y,n,7 Robin Hood Walibi Holland NL,y,n,5 Big Dipper Blackpool UK,y,n,4 Nickelodeon Streak Blackpool UK,y,n,8 Grand National Blackpool UK,y,n,6 Wild Mouse Blackpool UK,y,n,7 Blue Flyer Blackpool UK,y,n,5
  12. Survived the adventure at the post office..... one more out there on speeding on its way to some "lucky" person!
  13. Got a late start, but now all is good to go for my target.... Just got to get the box packed and then the trip to the post... Who doesn't love the post office in December!!!
  14. Last year was fun.... Let's do it again! 80's movies and cartoons 70's - 80's music Shirt size XL Thrill Rides TPR stuff and Legos CocaCola stuff Silly and Strange toys and gadgets Anything odd or off-the-wall
  15. I will go with MICHIGAN STATE in March Madness.... unless I missed someone else taking them!
  16. The more airtime the better..... but watch how you "land" (or what you land on!!!!!)!!! A safe but loose lap bar can give you a great ride on many rides... The rides are safe..... You may not feel safe, but the engineers know a lot more about building these machines, and what a human can take than we do.
  17. Can someone please post a video from Saturday's sign off... My camera lost it all... (stupid camera or stupid operator!!!) TPR Quest rocked!!!!!
  18. So looking forward to meeting you all.... KD and BGW is a great weekend!!!! Thank you R&E for setting this up for us..... what a great ECB!!!!!
  19. With his Carousal report... I figured The at cal1br3tto would love this report.... Maybe!!!!
  20. The tickets from Giant are good for any normal operation day for the summer. They are not date stamped. Enjoy your trip!!!
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