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Everything posted by willh51

  1. Interesting that they didn't have the queue sign go past an hour wait time. Of course that will eat people with three trains and Cedar Point operators.
  2. They're doing block testing on Valravn and Raptor, so of course I'm glued to the live cam. They're running Millennium Force, Rougarou, Maverick, the S&S swing, etc.
  3. Zoom! Looks awesome. I know they'll end up turning up that midcourse but it looks crazy dipping down to the left so quickly. Looks like a winner!
  4. ^Hypersonic was pretty awesome the first few seasons. Ridiculous launch, ejector air, and smooth. Then it got really terrible, with so much wobble in the train you could bash your head against the back of the seat. My pick is Drachen Fire.
  5. Does Flying Dinosaur run 4 trains with a dual station like Hollywood Dream? That's an insane line. Why even bother?
  6. Storm Chaser definitely deserves all the attention, but is there any news on a second train for T3?
  7. Great to see The Smiler back in action! How many of the trains returned to service?
  8. There's no way in hell Intamin is going to let it open like that.
  9. Love that view. Last time I saw it the flight was really bumpy and someone screamed. Felt just like Hurler.
  10. Valravn looks good, but I'm digging Raptor's cobra roll from these angles more than anything.
  11. Haha, Tony. My favorite is the subtle "the" in front of Raptor. The GP love, love, love to use "the" in front of all ride names.
  12. I'm surprised a company that wouldn't even run a backward train on a wooden coaster is now OK with doing VR. Hard pass from me. What's the point?
  13. ^TTD breaks down a lot, too. No sign of Jersey letting Six Flags run Ka and Zumanjaro at the same time?
  14. Dive machines are solid coasters, period. Out of any B&M design Cedar Point doesn't have, that's the one I'd have picked, closely followed by a Fury-like hyper. I'm surprised they didn't do a tunnel for the second drop, but I really like the dive loop/roll-over combination. This will be a crowd-pleaser for sure. I've only ridden Griffon, but I definitely wouldn't say that is forceless. The drop is actually quite stomach-levitating, and there were some decent forces in the inversions.
  15. I don't know why, but I'm glad Le Monster is getting painted. That always bothered me.
  16. ^That's what happens in the afternoon at Dorney. Insane waterpark, walk-on coasters.
  17. Wow, that was fast. I wouldn't mind them selling small pieces of track to coaster enthusiasts, with a little info plaque or something. We shall see. This better be some waterpark expansion. I want to see some of these new slides going in in Asian and Middle Eastern Parks lately. Not sure if they're Pro Slide, but they look awesome.
  18. I hope they get the "kink" out of the downward helix after the MCBR when they re-construct it. I think something must have been slightly misaligned because there was a strange, inexplicable jerk in that section of the track when it was in Myrtle Beach.
  19. Sounds like fun. X2 was running three trains? I didn't know that was possible.
  20. I may be wrong, but wasn't the evac platform added after it got stuck @ Knotts?
  21. Glad you liked Carowinds; it deserves more recognition that it gets. I think the addition of Fury is finally changing the tide.
  22. This is not getting "scrapped." Period. That is tabloid fodder. As bad as it sounds, I hope it was human - fallable - error. I don't want the computer system to be at fault. That would be more devastating to the industry.
  23. Awful, awful. I just hope everyone is OK. Perhaps the block was clear, and a train rolled back from the second lift? That would make it more of a mechanical issue. In any event, Alton and Gerstlauer will figure it out, and hopefully the victims will have a speedy recoveries.
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