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About kumba70

  • Birthday 02/25/1970

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  1. Thanks for the pics Andy. I'm heading to Germany to visit a friend next week and Oktoberfest is definitely one of the places we are going
  2. I know that this will sound weird to a lot of you but the only ride I have come across that I haven't been able to get on is Wipeout at Dreamworld Oz Everytime I go to Dreamworld (and I have been many times over the years) I try to convince myself I will do it. However, I get to the park and just can't bring myself to get on the damn thing. The sad thing is I just know I will love it. There is just something about it that freaks me. I'm heading to Dreamworld again in July and I am determined to get on it. I have been a coaster and ride junky for many years and have ridden some very dodgy looking fairground rides. I love that feeling of getting off rides all white and shaky, it's whole reason to go them .... this isn't going to beat me!!! The beast itself ... pic from roller-coaster.com.au
  3. The only problem I sometimes have with my contacts is they might dry out a little during the ride. A couple of blinks and they are back to normal. Although it's no where near as big a TTD or KK, I went on Superman Escape and didn't have a problem. I wear PureVision 30 day lenses which are, IMHO, the best invention ever. Taking lenses out everyday can be annoying but with these you just leave them in for 30 days, even when you sleep
  4. This is one of the funniest threads I have ever seen on any forum!!!!
  5. I couldn't agree more coastercub. The debate will never cease though. There will still be people out there that, even given absolute scientific proof otherwise, who believe that it is nurture rather than nature. The expression "you just haven't met the right women yet" is one that really grates on me. Pfft I say! I have met lots of right women and share a part of my life with them in some form ... just not the bed.
  6. I can't remember which one came first. It was either the Thunderbolt at Dreamworld or the Corkscrew at Seaworld in '87. Both are on the Gold Coast, Australia and were done on the same trip within days of each other. Thunderbolt - photo from rcdb Corkscrew - photo from rcdb
  7. Aussie gay boy here. And I agree, I don't think anyone "chooses" to be gay, straight or otherwise, it's just the way it is. For me, it's the way I was born. Unlike most of my gay friends, I have never had sex with a woman ... and at the tender age of 36 years old I don't it's going to happen anytime soon Don't get me wrong, (to use a phrase that is commonly used about us) some of my best friends are women
  8. Thanks for the PTR. After looking at those photos I will never ever complain about themeing in a park again!!!
  9. Is that confirmed???? I have read the rumours on roller-coaster.com.au but I thought it was just speculation. It would be great if it was a launched freefall. Personally I have been on three ... Freefall at SFMM (does that count?), Space Probe at Wonderland Sydney and Giant Drop at Dreamworld ... but I really can't pick a favourite. I loved the funky way you end up on your back on Freefall, plus it was my first drop ride. Space Probe had great theming and the count down on the TVs in the dome with the random drop you didn't know when it was going to let go. Giant Drop is HUGE and it feels like you are falling forever
  10. I much prefer to share the experience with someone who enjoys riding just as much as I do. It wasn't until recently that I have come across a few friends who enjoy theme parks as much as I do. I usually take a trip up north to the Gold Coast when they open something new and had to drag one of my non-rider friends along for the company when I wasn't riding the bigger rides. A friend from Germany (who enjoys riding as much as I do) was staying with me recently and we went up to Movie World and rode Superman Escape. It was great to be able to share the experience of the ride. Having said that, when I was working at Wonderland Sydney I used to go by myself all the time. I would either go in early or stay back after work to get a few rides in. It was enjoyable because I did what I wanted to do, didn't have to consult anyone and it was only for a couple of hours, not the whole day. Ultimately I think it's best to share the experience
  11. Hey all, Adam from Sydney Australia here, long time lurker first time poster. I have been addicted to roller coasters/theme parks since I can remember. My first roller coaster was the original Big Dipper at Luna Park Sydney on my ninth birthday, a couple of months before it burnt down. As it is well documented in these forums we here in Oz are a bit thin on roller coasters. I recently made a trip to Movie World to ride Superman Escape. It is a fun ride. The theming and launch were great with plenty of air time over the camel humps. I'm planning a trip to the USA mid September this year. I will be there for just over a week before I go to Germany for two weeks. I plan on going to SFMM (last time I was there was in '93), KBF, making my way over to Cedar Point then on to Germany. As I will be doing the States portion of the trip by myself I'm hoping to make some like minded friends in these forums that I could hook up with while I'm there to have some coaster fun See you in the forums. Adam "bring on September" G PS: Robb and Elissa - this site is fantastic!!! Great work guys
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