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Matt goes to Hershey! 09


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Well I'm going back over to Hershey sometime around my birthday(April 30th). Its been around 3 yrs sense I've been there. So that means no water park or Fahrenheit just in case you lost track wink.gif

Last time I was there it was not the best trip because it was wet during the morning, blazing hot during the day, and I had some bad company with me. This time however I will not have this problem!

Hershey is about 3 hours north from my house and I should be able to drive up there and drive back down in one day or so. If we do decide to stay up there a bit longer I do plan on trying to go to either Dorney or Knobles (depending on the amount of money!)

So here is a few questions I have to ask.


-How long are the lines in Fahrenheit?

-Where is the best place to sit in Fahrenheit?

-Any place that serves food in or out of Hershey worth having lunch at?

-What would be a good quality hotel to stay at overnight if I decide to stay another night?

-Is Roller Soaker, Tidle Force and Coal Cracker open in Mid Spring?

-What kind of weather is expected around Mid spring?

-Is there anything new besides The Boardwalk and Fahrenheit at Hershey that is noticeable?

-What would be some of the rides that have really long lines(When I was there, their was almost nobody)?

-When is the best time to go? It has to be around May and June!

-Any attraction outside the park that you recommend?

Now, if I may also find a hotel and go to another park if its possible!


-How much money should I bring?

-How are the lines?

-How is the staff/service?

-Any where good to eat?

Dorney Park

Now if I don't do Knoebles I will probably end up going to Dorney.

-Anywhere good to eat?

-What are some of the rides to hit when arriving to the park?

-How is an impulse like, I'm a bit nervous about Possessed?

-Is Steel Force and Thunderbird rough?

-How are the lines?

-What are some of the rides that I must ride? same with avoiding?



Now I'll think up of more questions later but these are what I have right now.

If anyone wants to meet up with me please contact me soon, there is a few rules though.

-If you want to meet up with me please be under the age of 18. It would seem kind of weird if a 20 year old guy decided to hang out with a 14 yr old kid.

-Please provide your own transportation!

If you want any more info on that please ask!


So until next time!


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-How long are the lines in Fahrenheit?


I was there in June of 2008 and the line was usually 30-45 minutes, however I did get on it in 10 minutes after a rain storm.


-Any place that serves food in or out of Hershey worth having lunch at?


There's this Chinese restaurant near the Great Bear area that's very good, I'd check that out if you like Chinese food.


As for outside of Hershey, go to Fuddruckers, which is about 5 minutes away right off the interstate. Some of the best hamburgers ever made there.


-What would be some of the rides that have really long lines(When I was there, their was almost nobody)?


From what I've noticed over the years, Great Bear, Storm Runner, and Comet have the longest lines, with Fahrenheit included also. They're still not that bad compared to lines at other parks, but long by Hershey standards.


-Any attraction outside the park that you recommend?


Chocolate World.


As for my home park, Knoebel's:


-How much money should I bring?


Depends on how much you want to ride. If you get the handstamp/wristband, I'd say around 50-60, but if you just want a few rides on Phoenix, Twister, Flying Turns, and some of the flats, I'd say like 30 or 40 tops.


-How are the lines?


Knoebel's has some of the shortest lines that you'll find. They're famous in the enthusiast world for their sub-30 second dispatches. If you see the line for Phoenix overflowing out onto the midway, don't get bummed, because it's only about a 15-20 minute wait from there. Twister never really gets that long of a line, either. Flying Turns will probably be a bit of a wait because it's new.


-How is the staff/service?


Fantastic, much better than your run of the mill corporate parks.


-Any where good to eat?


Everywhere, lol.


But to list places, I'd go with Cesari's Pizza and the International Food Court as the top two, but you really can't go wrong anywhere you go. Fairly cheap and very good.


For Dorney:


-Anywhere good to eat?


Eh, it's typical Cedar Fair food. I always go to the Subway that's over by Hydra.


-What are some of the rides to hit when arriving to the park?


I usually go to Talon first, then over to Steel Force and knock out that area. I haven't been there since 2004, so now I'd probably go from Talon to Hydra/Meteor to Steel Force/Possessed.


-Is Steel Force and Thunderbird rough?


Steel Force - No


Thunderhawk - No, but it's kinda shifty, if you know what I mean. I think it'd be rough if they didn't trim it to death, but as is it's more slow than anything.


-How are the lines?


I've never encountered long lines at Dorney, ever. Talon and Steel Force should be 15-20 minute waits at the most, and a majority of the other rides are walk-ons.


-What are some of the rides that I must ride? same with avoiding?



Steel Force

Hydra (I assume)

Possessed (I assume)



The rapids ride (if you like them)

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Didn't want to steal this thread, but I also had some questions about Hershey Park and other PA parks. I'm looking to do Kennywood, Waldameer, Lakemont Park, Knobel's, and Hershey Park August 10-14 (a Monday-Friday.) Any advice on lines and such? I've never been to any of the parks and plan to do one day at each.

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I can answer most of your Hershey questions.



-How long are the lines in Fahrenheit?

There is usually a single rider line but an hour & a half at most.

-Where is the best place to sit in Fahrenheit?


-Any place that serves food in or out of Hershey worth having lunch at?

Chocolate World.

-What would be a good quality hotel to stay at overnight if I decide to stay another night?

I do day trips so I can't answer.

-Is Roller Soaker, Tidle Force and Coal Cracker open in Mid Spring?

Yes, well they were when I went.

-What kind of weather is expected around Mid spring?

Sunny with scattered rain showers through out the day (somedays). Temperatures high 60s low 70s fahrenheit.

-Is there anything new besides The Boardwalk and Fahrenheit at Hershey that is noticeable?

No they are the newest attractions

-What would be some of the rides that have really long lines(When I was there, their was almost nobody)?

Fahrenheit, Great Bear, Comet, & Storm Runner. Roller Soaker's line moves slow.

-When is the best time to go? It has to be around May and June!

Correct however don't go on a school trip day or your screwed. I went during the week in July one time & it wasn't bad.

-Any attraction outside the park that you recommend?

Dutch Wonderland (Which I still haven't been to )

-Now, if I may also find a hotel and go to another park if its possible!

If you want to drive an hour to two hours to get from one park to another. Look for a hotel in the middle of the two parks you would like to visit would be my answer. I live within a two hour radius to both Hershey & Dorney so I don't use hotels.

I hope my answers helped.


~Matt T.

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